All posts in Edwards

This week at Edwards, we learned about writing concisely. We read a poem about seasons that only used two or three words per line and we used that as a model for our own […]

This week at Edwards, we learned about collaboration. We read a poem that had images and text and talked about how poets and artists collaborate all the time. Then, we played a game in […]

This week at Edwards, we discussed characters! We talked about how poets and writers create character plans to help them build a world and story for a character. Then, students either created their own […]

This week at Edwards, we continued our lesson on comparisons. Last time, we talked about similes and this time we talked about metaphors! We chose to write about ourselves or someone else through a […]

This week at Edwards, we learned about comparisons. First, we started with similes. By comparing things that are big versus small, in school versus outside of school, and real versus unreal, we were able […]

This week at Edwards, we explored the world of sound. We thought of sounds we hear all around us and how we can create sound words to represent strange and interesting things that we […]

For our third week at Edwards Elementary, we talked about dreams! We discussed dream logic and how dreams sometimes don’t make any sense to us or how it is hard to remember our dreams […]

For our second week at Edwards Elementary, we talked about wishes! Students discussed real and imaginary wishes and we used those two distinctions to create patterns in our poems. The students enjoyed sharing their […]

Today at Edwards, we started our poetry residency with asking “what is poetry?” Then, we read a poem by Pablo Neruda from his book, “The Book of Questions.” We then figured out different ways […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
