All posts in Shoesmith

This past Friday was Shoesmith’s 5th and 6th graders 8th session and last day of poetry. I decided for our last day to have a poetry art project and brought each class blank bookmarks, […]

Last week Shoesmith 4th graders reviewed our blues exploration from the previous week. Students brainstormed a ton of rhymes before closing-out our residency by rhyming and repeating and moaning and singing their blues poems. […]

We are coming towards the end of our residency. Less than a week away. For their 7th week of poetry, 5th and 6th graders thought about messages and memories the wished to give to […]

Today Shoesmith 4th graders got bluesy. When I talked about the origins of blues music, some students remembered learning about it during a Black History Month program that explored the evolution of music created […]

I love the energy that Shoesmith 4th graders bring to our poetry workshops each week! They always seem open to new ideas, ready to think, and eager to tap into their creativity. If we […]

Our 6th poetry session was all about celebrations for Shoesmith 5 and 6th graders. Some of the students participated in their school poetry slam competition. The theme for the slams was poems about heroes. […]

For their 5th poetry session Shoesmith 5 and 6th graders explored persona poetry. I asked students to imagine seeing the world by walking in someone else’s shoes. We joked about not actually wearing someone’s […]

For our 4th meeting, Shoesmith 4th graders had a second look at the ideas and drafts they had written about colors and using sensory details. We talked about metaphors, and brainstormed the smell of […]

For their 4th week at Shoesmith students explored ideas about nature. Students were asked, Does nature have a voice? How does it communicate with us? Students came up with wonderful responses. We discussed the […]

Last week, during our third sessions, Shoesmith 4th graders continued to massage their senses and reflections to write poems about colors and memories. Enjoy a sampling, here: Ms. Lehner4th Grade – Group 1 Steven […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
