Colorful Awareness

For our 4th meeting, Shoesmith 4th graders had a second look at the ideas and drafts they had written about colors and using sensory details. We talked about metaphors, and brainstormed the smell of morning, together – just to get our creative juices flowing! We worked to tap into ideas that were both familiar and “out of the box.” It was very inspiring for me to be in the room with so many dedicated creative student writers! Notice how some students used metaphors, similes, rhymes, and sensory details in these color poems.

Ms. Lehner
4th Grade – Group 2

The Color Tan
by Tatiana H.

Tan is the sight of
the beach shores on a
hot summer day.
Tan is like the banana
cake I make
in the kitchen as I smash pots and
pans together. Tan is like
vanilla ice cream at a
hot summer beach.
Tan is the big tan
sweater I wear when
I’m cold. Tan.

The Feelings of Brown
by AJ D.

Brown makes me feel strong
and brave
Brown is the smell of crispy bacon
Brown feels like a Wilson brand
Brown looks like dirty mud
and tree branches
Brown is the color of my
Brown makes me think of
Black History Month
Brown also makes me think of
Brown looks like a
chocolate donut.

All Colors
by Gold M.

Black is the color we all know
when I see the sight of a
lonely crow.
White is the sound of
slushy snow as I play in it.
Blue is the smell of salty sea air
and the sky as I stare.
Rainbow is the taste of
equality between mixed, white,
and black.
Gray is the texture
of my blanket and bed.
Green makes me feel calm
and I belong.
All colors matter in their own way.

by Christopher H.

Blue is ocean water
Blue is water splashing
Blue is hip hop and blues music
Blue is cool and smooth
Blue is cold and sad

The Love of Green
by Joshua B.

Green is the color of the
beautiful grass or the green leaves
Green tastes like a lime
kind of sour with no other taste
Green smells like freshly
cut grass, an amazing scent
Green feels scaly like a
lizard crawling around
Green make me feel safe
like a green light across the street.

Green is beautiful
We all are in this color
Green sounds calming like
rusting leaves in the wind
Green shines like an
emerald in the great big sun
Green is the color of fun.

Yellow is….
by Gaius X.

Yellow is a smooth banana
like the sun bright
like juicy mangoes
like gooey cheesy pizza

Yellow is the sound of…
crunchy yellow cheez its
buttery popcorn crunching in my mouth
slipping into a yellow shirt

Yellow smells like,,,
fresh pencils, just opened.
Daisies, grown in a garden
Fresh bee bucks, just earned

Yellow is the taste of…
cheese, smooth in my mouth

Yellow is the touch of…
squish, and gooey
smooth and fresh

Yellow feels like…
happiness, feeling good
bright, feeling clever

Ms. Lehner
4th Grade – Group 1

Jordon W. dictated lines for a poem, which I wrote out for her. Afterward, she copied the poem in her own hand.
Colors of Emotions
by Jordon W.

red is the color of confidence and spirit
orange is the color of boredom
yellow is the color of optimism
green is the color of dislike
purple is a fearful color
pink is yellow’s greatest sidekick
white and black are the colors of everybody’s skin

by Jacqueline S.

The color of cute, little Stitch
It’s a gentle cry
A smell of blueberry cheesecake
A taste of blueberry sour candy
It’s a texture of a hard rock
that can’t be broken up to release joy

it’s a feeling of sadness

by A.J.

I can see the red cardinal and the sunset
I hear orange rhythm and autumn leaves
I can smell yellow fries and pancakes
I taste green veggies and smoothies
I can touch the ocean water and blue coats
I feel purple when I am calm or sad



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.