Hero’s Anthem

Our 6th poetry session was all about celebrations for Shoesmith 5 and 6th graders. Some of the students participated in their school poetry slam competition. The theme for the slams was poems about heroes. Coincidently our poetry lesson was about celebrating through anthems. Anthems are uplifting songs that represent a country, group of people, or a cause. It’s usually sung on special occasions.

Together we read and discussed one of my poems “Lunch Lady’s Anthem,” which was inspired by Mrs. Field’s, the former lunch lady who worked at Shoesmith when I attended as a kid. She made the best food and was sweet to everyone. I wanted to honor her and all the lunch ladies everywhere. Queen of the Cafeteria/She reigns not for glory/ but for the satisfaction of filled stomach/the promise of leftovers/ The one who feeds the kitchen/ feeds the world.

After reading students wrote anthems for objects, people, and even animals in their lives that they believe deserves to be celebrated. Congratulations to the winners of the poetry slam representing the 4th-6th grades. Laniya W. (third place), Minahil A. and Latasha B. (tied for second), and Bayliegh T. (first place.) Also, poetry snaps for all the participants who shared their poetry in last Friday’s Shoesmith Poetry Slam. You were phenomenal.

Ms. Hassberger 5th Grade
Group 1

Dad Anthem
By Damani C

My dad is a lion.
Tall like a building.
His roar, louder
than a bear.
Smooth like
a snake.
Strong like
the Hulk.
He has waves
like an ocean.

His heart is like a bunny.

Tik Tok Anthem
By Shaliyah E.

Tik Tok is my poetry.
It makes me special
in my heart.

If the world was all about
Tik Tok, that would be
special to me.

Tik Tok is my phone and life,
the game I play on it.

Tik Tok make me happy
as a clown.

Tik Tok videos are as
funny as me.
Tik Tok has special
places in my heart.

It makes me dance a lot.
Just dance on Tik Tok,
you see your friends
on there.

Komi Anthem
By Janiyla M.

Komi is as curious as a cat.
Komi can’t communicate.
Komi struggles to talk.
But she writes in her
notebook and writes
in Japanese.

People still understand her.

Shoe’s Anthem
By Skye W.

My shoes are heroes.
They protect my feet.

My shoes are pretty
like a princess’s dress.
They are clean like glass.

My shoes shine in sun
like a flower.


                                              Ms. Henry’s 6th Grade
                                                             Group 1

Superman Anthem
By Caden B.

His strength is unbeaten.
His Power Punch is too powerful.
The laser eyes are cool.
He hates to fight enemies.
He is as strong as Batman.
His wife is very protective.
His love is soft and warm.

The suits are always going
to look good, because his
suits are blue, black, and
his symbols makes him

I like Superman because,
he flies, and I want to

Sleep Anthem
By Amari B.

For all the people who love sleeping.

We sleep in class and our dreams
are a blast

Nobody can stop us from sleeping
in class.

The dreams take us to anywhere we
want, as long as we sleep in class.

The adventures we explore will always
fill our joy.

But our journey ends when class stops
and lunch and recess begins.

My Mom
By Andreas

Her smile is a growing plant.
Her hair is made of silk.
Her heart is big.
Her fun, make me happy.

She is smart like me.
She is made like pretty flowers.
She is pretty like me.
She is as pretty as the brightest sun!

Gaming Anthem
By Omari L.

Gaming is fun, especially when
you get a new one for Christmas.

You’re playing like it’s your life.

The screen is the sun.
It burns your eyes
like molten lava.

Constantly pressing buttons
on the controller.

Feels like wight lifting,
making your fingers tired.

Sitting in the chair,
cramping your back.

Feels like days.

In the night playing til
3:00 in the morning.

Waking up at 12:00.

NBA 2K Anthem
By JaMarr N.

Loading like I’m waking up.

Going into the highway of courts.

I’m dunking, flying like a bird.

Browsing through the aisles
of cards.

Intensity higher than a kite.

All boys joining like a crew.

Ms. Henry’s 6th Grade
   Group 2

Tereyiah Anthem
By Taniya H.

Her laugh is like a siren.
Her voice is as loud as drumbeats.
When she dances, everyone moves
their feet.

The hype, when you dance.
The moves, you make friends.

Her lil’ Anthem.

Basketball Anthem
By Amare H.

The sound of the ball is life.
When the ball bounces
it feels tight.
When the ball is tight,
I go right.
Playing basketball
is bright.

It shows me light.
Just like the sky.
Playing feels brigrey,
because we know
you’re going to show

Coaches’ Anthem
By Desiree E.

My coach’s words sing
a million words.

My coach is learning like me.

My coach teaches like she
is a math teacher.

Her teaching makes the world
feel like it’s at peace.

My coach teaches like
she is God.

My Anthem
By Kyrie W.

I am sweet as a cherry.
I am strong like a brick.
I am fast like the Flash.
I am smart like Albert
I am cool as ice.
I am more awesome
than awesome.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.