All posts in Nixon

Fourth and fifth grade students created haikus. Look at their work. The Land of Nature by Janila A. A beautiful land crickets and insects you hear wonderful land   El Perro By Roman C. […]

Students wove questions into their poems. Here’s what was created. Un dia con mi perro by Roman E. Mi perro por que se levanto tan temperano?   Mi perro por que es como un […]

Fourth and fifth grade students created sound poems. Read what they created. By Jahila A. cling ka-pow ch-ch boom pow ch-ching The Hotel By Dario P. I hear knocking outside my door knock-knock, then […]

Fourth and fifth grade students created sound poems. Read what they created. Grandparents’ House By Dario P. I was in my grandpa’s house ‘click’ the soda goes. My grandma is cooking ka-pluk goes the […]

Nixon students asked questions and turned them into poems! Questions with answers, questions without answers, and questions that lead to more questions: La Vida by Esteban C. La vida tiene momentos felice y tristes. […]

The Nixon poets wrote poems grounded in the concept of similes: comparing two unlike things (using the words “like” or “as.” The results were terrific: Perfume by Alexis C. Perfume smells like heaven. It […]

Fourth and fifth graders in the after-school program wrote poems about their community. Here’s what they wrote. My Community by Alexis G. My community is my brother. My brother helps me. Community feels like […]

Students used the calendar for inspiration. Here’s what they created. El Miercoles By Roman Esteban Es como mercurio frio por fuera pero eso no impide que uno se divierte el miercoles.   En el […]

Students wrote about their favorite things. Champion Shoes By Alexis G. My favorite shoes are Champions. I like the Champion shoes to be lack. The shoes make me feel like I am in the […]

The fourth and fifth graders at imagined what animal they felt like on a specific day of the week. Here’s what they created. On Monday By Armanie T. Early on a Monday I feel […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
