All posts in Washington

Inspired by a few poems from seventh and eighth graders at Haines taught by Timothy David Rey, eighth graders at Washington wrote poems about their nighttime thoughts and experiences, focusing on tone. We loved […]

This week at Washington, we studied two persona poems, “In Another Dream, I Work at a White Tower” by Talin Tahajian, a persona poem of Miley Cyrus, and “aunt jemima” by Lucille Clifton. We […]

Inspired by Cincinnati Poet Laureate Yalie Saweda Kamara’s “Haiku Love Letters for Gabby Douglas,” we thought about the density of haiku and how, in a series, they offer different angles on the same topic […]

Last week we had a bonus session at Washington! We took a break from our usual routine and got hands on with poems, focusing on revision and line breaks. After reviewing all the different […]

Inspired by a poetry lesson by fellow poet-in-residence Joy Young, this week’s session centered around migration, journeys, and what we bring with us to make a new place feel like home. We read Wang […]

The week before spring break, Miss Davis’s eighth graders contemplated the nuances of silence in U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón‘s prose poem “The Quiet Machine.” We talked about prose poetry and thought about types […]

This week at Washington was high 50s after a weekend of snow! This drastic change in weather had us thinking about what we like and dislike about winter. We read Linda Pastan’s “The Blizzard” […]

During our last session, we dove into our pasts, to the year we were born and beyond. Inspired by Jacqueline Woodson’s poem “February 12, 1963,” we incorporated research into our poems and imagined the […]

We had a lot of fun with this week’s topics, rants and our pet peeves. We were inspired by brilliant poems by student poets Sabrina Y., who wrote “You must let the truth fly […]

It was revision day at Washington this week! Poems are rarely finished in one sitting, so we got the chance to look back at all the poems we’ve written so far and dive deeper […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
