All posts in Clinton

We celebrated our final day of 5th grade poetry with a party today! We received our beautiful poetry anthologies, with a poem from each student. We then had a reading and the excitment in […]

On Wednesday, we had our last day of poetry class! We started the class by passing out our class poetry anthology and then celebrated with a reading. The poems were hilarious and tender and […]

Today was our last day of working on our poetry! We took the poems we have been revising for the past two weeks and created our final gorgeous versions of them. We talked about […]

Today was our last day of working on our poetry! We took the poems we have been revising for the past two weeks and created our final gorgeous versions of them. We talked about […]

We received our published books in Kindergarten today and held a final “Coffeeshop Party.” We ate sprinkle-y cookies (because poetry is full of color and detail and surprise!) and did a reading, including snapping […]

Today, we did a wild revision experiment in both the 5th and 8th grade classes at Clinton Elementary. The students each chose a poem from the year that they were interested in continuing to […]

Today, we read and listened to Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach’s “Mir in Ukraine.” We talked about why she chose to write a poem about Ukraine by erasing Putin’s words instead of starting from scratch. The […]

Today, we read and listened to Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach’s “Mir in Ukraine.” We talked about why she chose to write a poem about Ukraine by erasing Putin’s words instead of starting from scratch. The […]

We continued talking about the purpose of art and poetry today, while reading several poems of Naomi Shihab Nye. We listened to her perform “Gate A-4” and then we read “Red Brocade.” We decided […]

This week, in 8th grade, we read one of Eve L Ewing’s “Retellings.” We discussed the role of poetry in standing up to injustice and the ways that poetry can help us imagine different […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
