All posts in Fullamusu Bangura

Last week, Sayre’s 8th graders took a detour from their ick poems to write about people and things that they love. After watching Rudy Fransisco’s performance of “If I Was A Love Poet,” students […]

My first week with Grissom’s middle school students could not have been more welcoming. Student poets did not hesitate introducing themselves and sharing what they already know about poetry. Together, we read “This Body […]

Each of our names tell a story about us, and last week Sayre’s 8th graders dug deep into their origins. Some of us are named after loved ones, and others have names inspired by […]

Sayre’s 8th grade students had a lot to say about poetry. After reading Jamila Woods’ “Blk Girl Art,” we spent time crafting our own works about what poetry means to us. Check out some […]

Happy Winter Solstice! Carver’s students spent last week carving out some time for poetic exploration with books from my personal collection. After spending some time catching, up, students spent time drawing words from different […]

Last week, Carver students spent some time playing a very different role: for our poetry assignment, we stepped into new identities through persona poems. Before diving into our own writing process, we watched “Shooter” […]

Hello again, dear reader! Last week, Carver students got comfortable getting loud through a number of theater exercises. As we play around with performance styles, we talked a bit about how variety of tone […]

Sometimes its hard to be a poet when life is lifing. Earlier this month, our poetry club opted to take it easy and free write instead of our usual themed prompts. Check out a […]

Last week was a journey with my favorite poetic form: odes. Students began the day with check-ins before we watched and read some poetry together. First we read “Ode To People Who Hate Me” […]

Hello again! Last week’s session was a tender look at what’s been occupying our minds and hearts lately. After sharing some words of wisdom to our past selves, we watched a performance “Thinking About […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
