All posts in Larry Dean

At the halfway point of our residency, it was time to introduce a poem unlike any we’ve seen so far. “Living in Numbers,” by Claire Lee, is an example of a list poem. As […]

This week’s poem looks nothing like any the students at Volta have seen so far. “Living in Numbers” by Claire Lee is a list of seemingly unrelated (or even random) items recorded over two […]

This week, we read “maggie and milly and molly and may” by E. E. Cummings. For starters, I said we could discuss how the poet uses personification as well as rhyme and similes in […]

Last week, we read and discussed E. E. Cummings’ “maggie and milly and molly and may.” Before doing so, I asked if anything looked unusual; students noticed the use of lowercase lettering throughout—except for […]

“The art of losing isn’t hard to master” is one of four repeating lines in Elizabeth Bishop’s poem, “One Art.” Villanelles include repeating rhymes and two refrains, the other here always ending with the […]

Elizabeth Bishop’s villanelle, “One Art,” begins, “The art of losing isn’t hard to master.” As we commenced reading it aloud then discussing it, I talked about the idea of “the art of” something—such as […]

After a week off, we were back for our second session at Skinner West. This week’s poem was “The Pen” by Jean Valentine. Among the various issues discussed in classes, we noticed the poet’s […]

For our second poetry class, we read and discussed Jean Valentine’s “The Pen.” Before hearing it read aloud, I asked if it looked different from last week’s poem; students noticed it was composed in […]

Yesterday I had my debut session with students at Volta Elementary. Most of them had no prior experience with poetry, but I assured them that wasn’t a problem, adding that they should relax and […]

Great to be back with the students at Skinner West! Everyone was excited and eager to kickoff poetry. I introduced myself as well as the program and went over what to expect for the […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
