All posts in B Sampson

Imaginative Poetry Video Series for Young People Takes Flight! With partnership and support from the Ralla Klepak Foundation for Education in the Performing Arts, the Chicago Poetry Center takes on an exciting expansion of […]

A Fierce Advocate for Youth and Chicago’s LGBTQIA+ Community Leaves a Lasting Legacy Ralla Klepak’s legacy in Chicago is as a protector of families, children, and the LGBTQIA+ community. She extended this legacy by […]

The Chicago Poetry Center is grateful to Lonna Braverman for an exceptional personal donation to the organization. Large, unrestricted donations allow nonprofits like the Chicago Poetry Center to target immediate needs and flexibly pivot […]

Today we say goodbye to one of our founders, Lisel Mueller. Lisel Mueller lived an extraordinary life. She and her family fled Nazi Germany when Lisel was 15 years old. She became a poet, […]

This week was our last week of poetry writing for the school year! Next week the students will be performing for each other, selecting their favorite poems to share at an in-school reading. And […]

Mrs. Taisor 2nd Grade   Superhero Girls Dereonna H. I am a beautiful water fall I am the deepest blue ocean I am blue like the oean I am the hopping bunny in the […]

Ms. Garcia 2nd Grade What Blue Daniel Please blue leave me alone so I can do stuff alone And more stuff that   Red Kelly A. My favorite color is RED. ¡yei! RED flies […]

Ms. Batres 3rd Grade   Grapes Jose M. You are bouncing in a ball the ball bounces everywhere a ball builds a bridge its a soccer ball its a face is a rock its […]

Ms. Batres 3rd Grade Rojo John G. Rojo es pintura. Rojo es la bandera. Rojo es las manzanas. Rojo es para los labios. Rojo es sangre. Rojo es para los carros. Rojo es para […]

We’re working on so many poetic skills these days! We’re always looking at poetic line and stanza, of course, and we’re now thinking about personification. This week we read the phenomenal poem “The Delight […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
