All posts in Chanell Ruth Harris

Back in March, after the first two days of this semester, I had been reacquainted with all of my students during our discussions about winter holiday/Spring Festival. I learned that across the waters, customs, […]

In the final week of HOS at DuBois, I wanted class to be all about the students thinking about our 20-week journey together. I passed back index cards that I had the students make […]

  While the 6th graders wrapped up poems for Mom, the 7th graders tacked “Cut Up” poems, said to have been created by Tristan Tzara in the 1920s, during a movement call Dadaism. In […]

Today’s post is a special edition for all the moms: My mom, your mom, her mom and the moms of the students at Dubois Elementary school. My time there has been truly valuable, and […]

There are some things we never get to say, until we do. This class we discussed mothers, mother/son and mother/daughter relationships, often so complex, no one could truly measure their meaning. Leading up to […]

I got sucked into the Netflix original 13 Reasons Why a few weeks ago, and though it was uncomfortable and nerve wrecking, I had to see it through. I knew some of the students […]

Today’s children need our ear. No-really. It may seem, more than any other, that this generation is heard: the internet, social media, smart phones every day, every moment in tow, but are they really […]

Last week we met on a Tuesday. I was happy to see the students; it had been too long. They had not forgotten about poetry though, as I requested. For the day, the 6th […]

March 10, at DuBois Elementary, was an interesting day. The classes I worked with were self-contained, so I joined the 6th graders in a different classroom than our traditional meeting space (which has mobile […]

When I was in 2nd grade, I competed in a poetry contest: the topic was spring. My poem was short and sweet and it rhymed. It came in second place to a list poem […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
