Yo sueño que soy un caja: I Dream that I am a Box @ Darwin Elementary

This week the students and I discussed dreams: funny dreams, scary dreams, nonsense dreams. We talked about how we can use all of our skills (adding sounds and comparisons, using short poetic lines) to make our dreams come to life.

Ms. Palacios
2nd Grade

Branden E.

I dreamed I was a billionaire
I dreamed I was in 2820
I dreamed I had a thing
I dreamed I was on a hoverboard
I dreamed I was funny


George T.

I dream I was yellow like minion
I dream I was black like a vampire
I dream I was purple like a purple minion
I dream I was white like a troll
I dream I was like an invisible boy
I dream I was a chicken
I dream I was an octopus


Chazahyah B.

I dream of candy world
I dream of a weird clown
I dream of a dog that was real


2nd Grade

Andy G.

I dream of many colors making
I dream that I have a golden throne
I dream I am in the movie
I try to play piano in my sleep
I dream every day is October 9th
Yo sueyo que mi mama me da 100 2008
Yo sueyo que teigo much juguete

Andy G.

I dream of many colors making
I dream that I have a golden throne
I dream I am in the movie
I try to play piano in my sleep
I dream every day is October 9th
I dream that my mom gives me 100 2008
I dream that I have a lot of toys

I Dream
Fatima A.

I dream of colors moving around I
dream of butterflies
rainbows I
dream of a wicked witch
trying to
kill me
I dream of
a gummy
bear princess I
dream of a


113 12/8/16
Zully G.
Yo sueño que Santa estaba en Darwin.
Yo sueño que soy un cafe.
Yo sueño que soy un maestra.
Yo sueño que soy un caja.
Yo sueño que soy Santa.

113 12/8/16
Zully G.
I dream that Santa was at Darwin.
I dream that I am a coffee.
I dream that I am a teacher.
I dream that I am a box.
I dream that I am Santa.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.