Inspirational Haikus

For their 12th  virtual poetry lesson Haugan 8th graders explored the meaning of inspiration. Inspiration involves creativity, as well as motivation to achieve a dream or accomplish a goal. Students mentioned people in their lives who inspired them such as their families, friends, teachers, characters from books or TV shows, and famous celebrities.

Together we read the poem “Haiku For The Sisters,” by Lydia Okutoro. A haiku is a Japanese short three line poem that has a 5/7/5 syllable count pattern. In her poem Okutoro writes a set of haikus to empower women of color. For Shamina: Stand and spread your wings/And your rich cocoa skin/Wear your India. Okutoro wants black and brown women to embrace their unique beauty and cultures while striving to reach their full potentials.

Students wrote their own haiku poems for the people they wish to encourage and inspire. Please enjoy this week’s published poems.


Ms. Thomas 8th Grade
Group 1


Haiku For A Friend
By Celeste L.

Life, a cold winter
But summer will come soon
It will get better

The darkness outside
Makes the moon brightly shine
Shine in the darkness

When a wild storm comes
A rainbow in the sky you’ll see
Keep going with no fear


Haiku For Virus
By Bilal K.

(Covid 19)

In the dim of light
Covid rises from the dark
There is no cure yet

Lockdown is boring
Not doing much, being bored
But I am trying

Trying on a mask
To see if it fits my face
Stay home, stay healthy


Just Do It
Landis V.

do it just do it
don’t let your dreams be a dream
just do it just do it

don’t let you dad or
mom tell you not do it
do it just do it

even if your
poems are based on a meme
do it just do it


Ms. Thomas 8th Grade
Group 2


Haiku for someone who may be going through something ​ ​​
By Junior C.

Hey, you seem tired
Take a break, I’m proud of you
Sit, you’ll be okay


Haiku For My Family
By Kevin C.

Such caring mother
There for me even when sick
One I can talk to

Always working hard
To watch his children grow up
Such joyous privilege

Can turn my frown upside down
One of a kind kid


Haiku For Grandma​​
By Cindy H.

The blurry vision
Your laugh, your smile, the warm hug
Don’t stop smiling ok?

I sometimes forget
When will I get to see you?
Beautiful black dress

I miss you so much…
You can’t miss my 15 birthday
I did not forget…


Ms. Thomas 8th Grade
Group 3


Haiku For People That Live In My House ​ ​
By Darlin A.

(My ferret)
Is tiny and cute
She is funny and messy
Devil and Angel

(My Mom)
Mom is the boss here
If something dirty we clean
She is happy and mad

(My stepdad)
In charge of the house
Different moods every day
He is kind and rude

Annoying and rude
Looks like an angle but not
She could be kind though


Haiku For Friend​
By Dyson J.L.

Time to go outside
Don’t worry, the moon won’t rise
The sun is mighty fine

Maybe hit the gym
Your personal trainer Tim
Or go for a swim

The food is ready
The food is very smelly
The chair is steady


Haiku For 5-year-old sister​ ​
By Adriana T.

Homework is a cure,
a remedy for grade 5
It will make you sick.

Don’t cry, pick up tears
use them tears as working sweat
Sweat will make you stink!

(Hard work)
Hard work, tasty soup
A day outdoor is a gift,
See now you’re dirty.





“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.