In our feelings Poems – Darwin 3rd Grade – Winter 2020

During the 5th week of the Chicago Poetry Center residency, Darwin students were encouraged to explore their imaginations by creating weird, strange and funny word pairings. Through play and sharing poetry students came up with their own Strange Pair poems.

Ms. Tasior

3rd Grade



Anya B.


Yo quisiera tener un dinosaurio de carros,

un mesa de flores,

un lapiz de dulce,

una cama de gato,

un corazón de papel,,

un gato de sol,

un perro de chocolate,

un mano de chocolate,

un lapiz de fruta,

una silla de agua,

una crayola de borrador,

un pinguino de helado,

una bruja de gatos,

un perro de lapiz,

un gato de agua,

una pelota de cama.



Diego M.


Un telefono de gato,

un perro de nubes,

un barco de dulce,

un pizza de queso,

un gato de agua,

una agua de chocolate,

una escuela de fuego,

un zapato de robot,

una piscina de comida.


Ms. Tasior

3rd Grade


Someday I Hope To See

Sofy C. 


I hope to see a tree of skittles.

I hope to see a Sofy of unicorns.

I hope to see a cat of dogs.

I hope to see the title of unicorns.

I hope to see a tree of dogs.

I hope to see a tree of cats.

I hope to see 100’s of poems.


What I Would Like To Have

Shawn A. 


I would like to have a dog of cats.

I would like to have a robot of candy.

I would like to have a duck of fish,

so that it can go underwater,

and get me fish to cook.

I would like to have a cow,

that dances when I dance.






“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.