Word is Rhythm

This week students performed their original poems at the Word is Rhythm Poetry Festival at the Logan Center for the Arts at The University of Chicago. Students performed solo, with a partner, or in a group. Students rehearsed for several weeks to script, memorize and polish their performances. The festival was an awesome experience and our students did an amazing job!

Ms. Wesson’s 5th Grade

Nothing but Babies (Written by Tsehai D.)
Performed by Tsehai D., Madison A., Bernard T., Skylar R., Rama A., Kori W.

There are nothing but babies,
babies with bottle babies,
and babies wanting Mama babies.

Babies that cry an ocean’s worth
of water babies
babies that couldn’t care less babies.

Babies with a fully charged
battery babies.

Babies that are scared of the dark,
babies that go to sleep easily.

Babies that scream with the sound of a siren.

Babies who play babies,
babies that are just babies.

Inside This Suitcase (Written by Nina W.)
Performed by Nina W., Caleb J., Cole B., Chris B., Gerald S, Tyler L.

Inside this suitcase
is the city of Paris.

Inside this suitcase
is a whale swimming across the ocean.

Inside this suitcase
are meadows and pretty flowers.

Inside this suitcase
are millions of stars.

Inside this suitcase
are big, soft clouds.

Inside this suitcase
is one million dollars.

Inside This Fanny Pack (Written by Taylor B.)
Performed by Taylor B., Brooke S., Miley C-B., Aubrey P-D., Gabrielle B-B., Kalaya B., Elycia R., Lena L., Bailey L.

Inside this fanny pack
is my future.
Inside this fanny pack
is all the lip glosses
from every beauty supply.

Inside this fanny pack
is my whole school.
Inside this fanny pack
is my new baby cousin on her way!

Inside this fanny pack
is my bed.
Inside this fanny pack
is Kenwood waiting for me.

Inside this fanny pack
is the last day of school.
Inside this fanny pack
is my teacher waiting for me to stop talking.

Inside this fanny pack
are my friends playing tag.
Inside this fanny pack
is the basketball court.
Inside this fanny pack
is Disney World.

Inside this fanny pack
is Forever 21.
Inside this fanny pack
are my tardy slips.

Inside this fanny pack is Earth.
Inside this fanny pack
is love.
Inside this fanny pack
is the whole world waiting for me to live.

Cotton Grove St. (The Lucky Sea) (Written by Ethan C.)
Performed by Ethan C., Amir B., Jalen M., Veron W., Sean J., Christiana F., Jasmine S.

Chinatown is the best to me.
Is there anything better to see?

Chinatown is like the beautiful sea
filled with love and kindness to all of thee.

Children scream and sing
In festivals of the Chinese.

Deliciousness is what they serve to eat
Bringing joy.

This is what we do in Chinatown…The Lucky Sea.

We keep the promise to be in peace.

Whatever our future is it will be free.

Whatever our future is we will be in The Lucky Sea.

Ms. Henry’s 6th Grade

Dance! (Written by Heaven S.)
Performed by Christyn C., Madison G., Leah H., & Heaven S.


Dance is love
It creates one’s happiness

Dance is creativity
It makes your expressions come out in flames

Dance is soul
It makes the heart become one with the brain

Dance is religion
It tells the story of different countries, languages, and religions

Dance is family
It makes everyone united as one

Dance is celebration
It makes people throw their
hands up and say HEYYYY!

Dance is life.
So…Let’s dance!

Inside This Book (Written by Ronald O.)
Performed by Ronald O., Nykshavyah Y., Nasir H., & Kourtnae L.

Inside this book
there is my heart
slowly fading away

Inside this book
there is a box
filled with mysteries waiting to be solved

Inside this book
there is my life
in his hands

Inside this book
there are tons of valleys
and the ones who adventure

Inside this book
there are souls of the depressed
asking to be free

Inside this book
there are flowers
blooming in the sun
making quite a beautiful scene

Inside this book
There is reality
And creativity

Inside this book

Nothing But Night (Written by Gabrielle R.)
Performed by Destiny R., Kai J., and Gabrielle R.

And now… nothing but night.
The busy night,
the stay up for the full moon night,
The nothing to do but wait night,
The worst sleep night,
going to dad’s house for the night,
spending time on the phone all night,
having a family reunion at night,
Spending time listening to music at night,
looking for fireworks with family night.
The shedding tears night…
The broken-hearted night…
The can’t wait for the next day night…
Nothing. But. Night.

Inside this Trash Can (Written by Jefferson D.)
Performed by Ja’maya L., Jefferson D., Jeremiah M., & Joanna R.

Inside this trash can
are earthquake and tornadoes.

Inside this trash can
are famine and homelessness.

Inside this trash can
are war and violence.

Inside this trash can
are guns and knives.

Inside this trash can
are mass shootings

Inside this trash can
are racism and sexism.

Inside this trash can
are death and sorrow.

Inside this trash can
is “You CAN’T do it, you’re NOT good enough!”

Inside this trash can
is pain, bloodshed, weakness, and hate.

Inside this trash can are things we want to throw away.
Inside this trash can are things that we can overcome…
…if we come together.

Nothing but Music (Written by Courtney P.)
Performed by Courtney P., Andrea G., and Kyla B.

And now…nothing but music
The feet tapping music
The fingers-snapping music
The hand-clapping music
Nothing but music
The singing-in-the-shower music
The crazy-dancing-with-your-best-friends music
The Snapchat-video music (Okkkkurrrr!)
Nothing but music
The lip-synching-into-a-hairbrush music
The stuck-in-your-head music
The emotional music
Nothing but music
The love-song music
The favorite-playlist music
The “I’m feelin’ myself!” music
The “Turn it up this is MY SONG!” music
Nothing but music

INSIDE THIS SHOE (Written by Nia M.)
Performed by Nia M. & Chloe L.

Inside this shoe
is the money my parents couldn’t hold onto
Inside this shoe
Is the world walking over me
Inside this shoe
Is the dream of being the one they call on
Inside this shoe
Is the dreams the world fails to crush
Inside this shoe
Holds the best dancer around
Inside this shoe
holds the strong, brown, skinny-boned structure
Inside this shoe
Holds the memories, good and bad
Inside this shoe
holds the aches and pains, triumphs and treasures
Inside this shoe
Are the blood, sweat, and tears of our people
Inside this shoe
Are the chains that WE are breaking
Inside these shoes
Inside these shoes
Is what’s going to make OUR hood known

The Moon On My Shelf
Written and performed by Hunter C.

After every worksheet, newspaper
and story read, I turn to my shelf
where my small moon stands.

After every book, essay and
note written, I turn to my shelf
where my small moon stands.

After every play, movie and
video watched, I turn to my shelf
where my small moon stands.

After every rewrite, failure and
redo, I turn to my shelf
where my small moon stands.

But what does a moon do
for a man so blue? Does it smell
like a rose or hop around
cheering my mood?
It does none of this, yet I
watch the little moon on my shelf.

Skateboard (Written by Sarah A.)
Performed by Sarah A. & Fatou C.

Up the ramp
Going faster than a bullet train
The rough sandpaper
Scraping my skin.

Twigs caught in the wheels
Bruises and broken bones
Falling to the sidewalk.

As precious as my gold earrings
A part of who I am
My personality

The bright purple wheels
The alien characters
I stick through and try my best
Brave and strong.

Courageous and adventurous.

Skater girl.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.