Wishing, Again!

This is the 3rd year that a new group of 2nd graders at Swift opened up our poetry time together by sharing their ideas about poetry, learning about LINE, and their writing their own Wish Poems. Enjoy!

Ms. Popovic
2nd Grade

Bijal K.

I wish I can be a astronaut
I wish I was a painter
I wish really to be a animator
I wish I could be a doctor
I wish I was a scientist
I wish I was rich
I wish a star talked to me
I wish I can climb up to the mountain
I wish I can go to the future


Folayeni I.

I wish for a pumpkin
I wish for a heart full of candy
I wish for a box of slime
I wish for a bike
I wish for 100 butterflies


Harasha P.

I wish for a toy
I wish for a tree house
I wish for a DVD (Bumblebee)
I wish for a library
I wish for a car
I wish for a book
I wish for a transformer
I wish for a movie theater
I wish for a big movie
I wish for a notebook

Ms. Amato
2nd Grade


Jackson B.

I wish I had a dog
I wish I had candy
I wish I can draw better
I wish I can play football everyday with my friends
I wish I had a bouncey ball
I wish I had hot cocoa
I wish I can go invisible
I wish I had super speed
I wish no one will be bullied
I wish everyone was happy


Sophia H.

I wish I can be a famous artist
I wish I had my own room
I wish I had a backyard
I wish I had poppies
I wish to go to New York
I wish to have cocoa
I wish to go to Disney world
I wish I had meat tacos
I wish I had a sister
I wish to play Roblox everyday
I wish to play with Legos
I wish to have chicken everyday
I wish to read Magic Treehouse everyday
I wish I had 10 puppies named Gigi
I wish I can turn invisible


George I.

I wish my dad was here
I wish for infinity candy
I wish I had every game
I wish I had powers
I wished I went to America
I wish I had 1,000,000 lives
I wish I had a computer
I wish the world was good
I wish I knew every word
I wish I was done with school






“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.