Spooky Rhymes

Its Halloween time for the 3rd-5th grade poets of Hale Elementary. This week we explored silly and terrifying poems. On Tuesday we read “Halloween Party” by Kenn Nesbitt, who used couplets, pairs of rhyming lines to describe a young boy getting ready for Halloween. I dyed my hair black, and cut off my bangs /I’m wearing a cape and fake plastic fangs. Together we wrote a group poem about a imaginary Halloween party.

On Wednesday students read “Life Doesn’t Frighten Me,” by Maya Angelou. In her poem she uses rhyme to write about her fears and how she overcomes them. Don’t show me frogs and snakes and listen to me scream / If I’m afraid at all its only in my dreams. Inspired by Maya, students wrote poems about things that frighten them.

Instead of a trick here is a treat of spooky rhyming poems. Enjoy and Happy Halloween!


Ms. Degiulio’s After School
Grades 3-5


Let’s Get Spooky
By 3rd-5th grade After School

I was a fish in a dish
who had a wish.
I have a dime
and I don’t know the time.
I wrote a note
On a boat.
I am dressed in bright pink
try not to blink.
I will have black hair.
I hide in my lair.
My Mommy
told me no zombie.
My cape is black.
I put it in my backpack.
Halloween candy I will eat
Until I go to sleep.


Fear Couplets
By Karen D.

Momo is a chicken
She likes to climb around your kitchen.
I have a hall.
I see a shadow covering the wall.
I see a clown
trying to steal your crown.
Chucky is a bucky
and he is lucky.


My Fear of Night and Height
By Matthew G.

10,000 ft. in the air.
I feel so scared.
The dark is a fright.
When it turns into night.
The snake is a fright
at night.
The shark’s teeth are as big as knives.
Makes everybody run for their lives.


Let Me Be Lucky
By Federico R.

I have a test.
I’m not doing my best.
My sister in my room.
She’ll be ruined and run into doom.
Chucky wucky
I’ll be lucky.
eating Einstein.




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.