What learning is like for Shoesmith 5th & 6th Graders

For their fifth virtual poetry residency Shoesmith Elementary’ s 5th and 6th grade students explored ideas about learning. They were asked the question, “How does it feel to learn something new? Students responded with a variety of emotions: fear, anxiety, stress, pride, excitement, and accomplishment.

Together we read teen poet Luany Teles’s poem, “Learning English Is Like,” which was featured in the anthology “Tell The World.” In her poem Teles uses similes to compare the experience of learning English to different things. Swimming in an ocean full of sharks/ going to the moon without a rocket/flying without wings/writing in a notebook that doesn’t have pages/seeing an homeless person and not being able to help. Based on the text the poet seems to feel a sense of hopelessness when attempting to learn English. Most students could relate to the poem, facing obstacles when it comes to learning math, how to bake, trying to win a video game, or playing instruments.

Inspired by Luany Teles, students wrote poems describing positive and negative experiences with learning. Please enjoy this week’s published poems.


Ms. Yassky’s 5th Grade
Group 1


Learning Math Is Like
By Ayden H.

Learning math is like going to the water park without water
Learning math is like brushing without a toothbrush
Learning math is like meeting someone with no person
Learning math is like going to school without a school


Learning to Edit
By Brooklyn M.

Learning to edit is like cooking with no kitchen
Learning to edit is like driving with no car
Learning to edit is like writing with no pencil
Learning to edit is like swimming with no water
Learning to edit is like speaking with no mouth


Learning Is Like Video Games
By Mariah O.

Learning is like playing video games
Learning is like playing video games but only just in school
Learning is like when you read a book for fun
Learning is like the same way you play video games for fun



Ms. Yassky’s 5th Grade
Group 2


Learning How To Read Is Like
By Ayron B.

Learning how to read is like trying to look with no eyes.
Learning how to read is like trying to eat with no mouth.
Learning how to read is like trying to smell with no nose.
Learning how to read is like trying to play games without hands.


Learning Is Like
By Dalana G.

Learning how to swim was like not being able to tie your shoe.
Learning how to bake is like not being able to wake up in the morning.
Learning how to cook is like not being able to do long division math.
Learning how to drink is like not being able to taste anything.
Learning is like going to the store and forgetting to buy something.
Learning how to eat something hot is like burning yourself with hot candle wax.
Learning how to dance is like falling when you are ice skating.
It might be hard now but later it will be easy, don’t say you can’t do it say I can’t do it yet.


Learning Math Is Like
By Sanai P.

Learning Math is like walking into a cave with no light.
Learning Math is like trying to run without knowing how to walk.
Learning Math is like going to Target but not knowing what you’re going to buy.
Learning Math is like trying to fit in but not knowing that you’re born to stand out.
Learning Math is like putting on headphones but listening to no music.
Learning Math is like trying to write with a pen but not knowing it has no ink.



Ms. Henry’s 6th Grade
Group 1



Learning To Train A Parrot Is Like
By: Christyn B.

Learning to train a parrot is like dancing with no body.
Learning to train a parrot is breathing with no lungs.
Learning to train a parrot is like playing the lottery with no winning numbers.
Learning to train a parrot is like driving a car with no steering wheel.
Learning to train a parrot is like dropping a new phone after unboxing it.
Learning to train a parrot is like eating with no hands.
Learning to train a parrot is like shaving a hairless cat.
Learning to train a parrot is like painting without a canvas.
Learning to train a parrot is like eating Aloe Vera.
Learning to train a parrot is like being Q.R (A diss).


Learning How to Dance Is Like
By Jada E.

Learning how to dance is like learning how to walk.
Learning how to dance is tricky as trying to remember your steps.
Learning how to dance is like learning how to get the rhythm.
Learning how to dance is hard as you think it is.
Learning how to dance is like the music is in your body.
Learning how to dance is like learning how to sing.
Learning how to dance is as fun as you think it’s funny.
Learning how to dance is goofy as you trying to make someone laugh.


Learning Life Is Like
By Elijah G.

Learning to write a poem is like playing basketball without a ball.
Doing school is as hard as running 1000 miles.
Learning to cook is like eating without teeth.
Learning to work is like growing a tree with no seeds.
Learning to play the viola is like watching tv with no eyes.
Learning to be good at a game is as hard as walking with no feet.
Learning to do Karate is as hard as talking with no mouth.
Doing poetry is as hard as smiling when your sad.



Ms. Henry’s 6th Grade
Group 2


By Y’ana D.

Learning poetry is like swimming without any water.
Learning poetry is breathing without any air.
Learning poetry is like reading without a book.
Learning poetry is singing without a voice.
Learning poetry is jogging in the sun.
Learning poetry is like dancing in flowers.
Learning poetry is like talking without a phone.
Learning poetry is like going to school without books.
Learning poetry is like doing a test without any paper.
Learning poetry is like sleeping in a bed without any covers.
Learning poetry is like dancing without any legs.
Learning poetry is like listening to music without sound.


Learning Is Like Drawing
By Eniya H.L.

Learning to draw is like falling thousands of feet into feeling.
Learning to draw is like being able to let my freak out.
Learning to draw is like getting to be set free.
Learning to draw is like being able to just let everything go on the paper.
Learning to draw is like being able to not think, just do.
When I draw it like no one exists but me and that paper.
When the pen it paper it’s like everything is all right.
Drawing is like being able to talk in your art.


Learning Poetry Is Like
By Charles O.

Learning poetry is like jumping from a plane without a parachute.
Flying without wings.
Going into a store without a mask.
Driving without wheels.
Hot sauce that isn’t hot.
Deodorant that makes you smell like a dead fish.
A burger without the meat.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.