“Too many ideas, too many questions, too many poems!”

For Swift Elementary School’s first poetry session for 2020, I’m afraid I got a bit carried away! That means I came into the classrooms with too many ideas, too many questions, too many poems to read aloud, and too many instructions for students to grasp firmly in the time allowed. My apologies! Still, our time together was special: I am grateful that students were eager to let me know that they remembered things we’ve been learning in previous lessons.  They brought good energy to the practice of writing poetry, and the teachers provided me with helpful feedback.  Thank you!

Ms. Amato
2nd Grade

A poem about me
Kundan B.

My name is Kundan
And I am a son
And also I am creative
And also I am smart
I am also playful
And powerful
And I am fast


A poem about me
Agnes L.

white, silly, and a artist
play with dolls
future teacher


Trystyn H.

I am a boy silly and funny
I can hop like a bunny
I am nice and so good
I am fun and mad so I am
happy no I am not!

“Future Me” by Anjel Singh


Ms. Popovic
2nd Grade

Alina P.

I love my mom
and dad.  I love to
eat mac and cheese
and cake.  I love
playing board games
with my family when
they have time to
play with me
and my sister.


I like lions
Chinedu A.

they roar
I can roar
like a wolf


My dream state
Meldin K.

My dream state is Los
Angeles, California Beverly
Hills.  Because I want to
be a millionaire person.
So that’s why I want
to go to my dream state.

“I Like Being A Big Sis” by Laila R.




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.