This is How I Feel

The poets from Avondale/Logandale used metaphors to describe how they feel when performing a specific activity. They were encouraged to think outside of their normal reality to give their audience an exciting visual of how they feel.


Kevin S. G. 

When I am writing it makes me feel very calm and relaxed like I’m laying on the beach.

When I hear a song it makes me feel like I am inside of the music.

When I climb a tree it makes me feel like a monkey swinging around in the trees.

When I am mad I feel like a red tomato.

When I speak it makes me feel like I am singing in a movie called Sing 2.


Yamileth D.

When I run it makes me feel like I am the flash.

When I cook it makes me feel like a chef.

When I swim I feel like a siren

Whenever I go to the park it makes me feel like I’m in heaven.

When I sing it makes me feel like I’m famous.


Giancarlos V. 

Soccer makes me feel like I’m Ronaldo.

Swimming makes me feel like a dolphin doing tricks.

Running makes me tired like a tree.

Energy drinks makes me feel like an thunder bolt.

When I sleep I feel like a puppy in a pillow.


Brenda O. 

Video games make me feel like a famous gaming youtuber

Swimming makes me feel like a lobster

Basketball makes me feel like a NBA rookie


Mikila T. 

When I eat I hear the food gods telling me to calm down

When I hug my bear I feel like I’m living on the clouds

When I get new shoes I feel like a pretty princess

When I sleep all day it makes me feel like I’m in a whole new world

When I watch TV all night I feel like a network of wires


Damien S.

Running makes me feel as free as a cheetah

Playing my PS4 makes me feel like the game is calling me a hero bay max

Working out make me feel like The Rock

Being calm makes me feel like rocking a baby

Jumping in the house makes me feel like a popcorn popping








“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.