This Book is a Part of the Solar System

This week: poems about the most magical libraries we can dream up!


Ms Garcia
2nd Grade

Jesus Alejandro M.

Este libro fue el primero
Este Libro callo del sielo (cielo)


Alani Payes

This book helps me learn
This book makes you live young forever
This book makes me an artist

This book makes me have powers
This book makes me change my name
This book makes me eat faster than flash

This book makes me be in my favorite movie
This book makes me change colors
This book makes me grow older

This book makes me the smartest
person in all the planet
even the universe


Sebastian O.

This book is a lion
This book is my dad
This book is invisible

This book is a photo
This book is a cart
This book is vocabulary

This book can fly
This book down sky
This book is patterns


Giuliano C.

This book has coffee
This book has edible glitter
This book has a coffee shop

This book has a red balloon
This book has a clown
This book is super powers

This book is a tree
This book is a video game
This book can fly


Ms. Tasior
2nd Grade



This book is about an alien book
This book is about a funny book
This book is aobut a famous book
This book is a about flammable books

This book is about a mom
This book is about a sister
This book is about a dad
This book is about a bee
This book is about a school


Timothy M.

This book is invisible
This book is a panda
This book is a dragon

This book talks
This book sings
This book is a part of the solar system

This book is a cave
This book is a game

This book is a bucket
This book is cold



This book is filled with takis
This book is so funny
This book is so yummy

This book is chocolate
This book is furry
This book is filled with dogs

This book is filled with cats
This book is filled with funny books



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.