The Objects We Cherish @ Shoesmith 5th & 6th Grade

For their fourth virtual poetry residency Shoesmith Elementary’ s 5th and 6th grade students explored significant objects in their lives. Students were asked, “What is  one object that you cherish?” and “Why is it important to you.” Students gave interesting answers such as a stuffed bunny, smart phone, PS4, baby blanket, sketch book, and music box. Many of the objects that students chose were gifts from family and loved ones that have passed away. While other objects helped students to relax and be creative.

Together we read the poem “Triolet For A Stone,” by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater. A Triolet is an eight-line poem that incorporates rhyme and repetition. This means that lines 1, 4, and 7 rhyme and repeat each other, while lines 2 and 8 rhyme and repeat one another as well.  In her poem VanDerwater describes a simple stone, which not only calms but helps ease her troubled mind. Right now, my right hand holds a stone/Its roundness smooths my sharpest thought/ I am myself but not alone/ Right, now, my right hands holds a stone/I felt a calm I’ve never known. The use of rhyming words and repetition of poetic lines, emphasizes the importance of the stone, turning this ordinary object into something powerful.

Inspired by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater, students create their own Triolets about objects that hold special meanings. Please enjoy this week’s published poems.


Ms. Yassky’s 5th Grade
Group 1



Triolet For A Sketchbook
By Michael B.

When I have my sketchbook it’s all my hot cooked ideas in one.
My sketchbook always can make me calm.
Its like I’m the fish and it’s the hook it makes me feel like I’m never done.
When I have my sketchbook it’s all my hot cooked ideas in one.
I can feel all my sweet feelings in my sketchbook like if it was a honeybun.
When I draw in my sketchbook I get a relaxed feeling in my palm.
When I have my sketchbook its all my hot cooked ideas in one.
My sketchbook always can make me calm.


Triolet For A Phone
By Zachery  S.Y.  

Right now, my hands holds a phone.
Everyday I roam around the house.
A stone dropped on my phone now I have to get a loan.
Right now, both of my hands holds a phone.
I looked on my phone and I was blown away.
While I’m at home all I do is get on my phone.
Right now both of my hands holds a phone.
Everyday I roam around the house.




Ms. Yassky’s 5th Grade
Group 2


Triolet For A Plush
By Alonna A. 

My plush is soft.
It makes my day a different time.
I hug it when I cough.
My plush is soft.
It will never go unsoft.
Sometimes I get tired of rhymes.
My plush is soft.
It makes my day a different time.


Triolet For A Cat
By Carlton F.

My cat’s fur is very smooth.
I hold them tight when I feel blue.
We stick together just like glue.
They nap all day and eat their food.
Cats can be good friends too.
And they can find a friend in you.
Cats always put me in a good mood.
Even when they leave me confused.
Because of the weird things they do.
That is why I have two.


Triolet For A Chess Game
By Kaylee H. 

I hold my pawn in my hand.
The checkered board lies still.
I fail to decide where I will land.
I hold my pawn in my hand.
There’s nowhere to move, like I’m drowning in sand.
My queen won’t move, she’s tied her last will.
I hold my pawn in my hand.
The checkered board lies still.



Ms. Henry’s 6th Grade
Group 1


Triolet For My bed
By: Lailah B.

Right now, I am lying in this bed.
Dozing off as I stare at the tv.
I must sleep, this is all in my head.
Right now, I am lying in this bed.
Thoughts fill my brain as I fall asleep instead.
Dreams will flow as they go and seem.
Right now, I am lying in this bed.
Dozing off as I stare at the tv.


Triolet For A Phone 
By: Skyler C.

My phone is like a box of memories.
Every photo, every click.
My phone is a box of history.
My phone is a box of memories.
My mind wont ever close.
Every photo every hit.
My phone is like a box of memories.
Every photo, every click.


Triolet For Sand  
By: Terron R.

I love sand.
It touches my heart.
Like the music of a band.
I love sand.
You can touch it with your hand.
My heart starts.
I love sand.
It touches my heart.


Ms. Henry’s 6th Grade
Group 2


Triolet For A Teddy Bear
By Trinity C.

I won a teddy bear at the fair.
And my teddy bear has a tie he wears.
I throw my teddy bear in the air.
I won a teddy bear at the fair.
Me and my teddy bear eat some pear.
Me and my teddy bear find some chairs.
I won a teddy bear at the fair.
And my teddy bear has a tie he wears.


Triolet For My PC
By Yoshua G.

My PC has become my friend.
In times when we cannot get out.
Parting with it I do not intend.
My PC has become my friend.
If only the stats will start to bend.
It’s then that I will begin to shout.
My PC has become my friend.
In times when we cannot get out.


Triolet For My Computer
By Kenya L.

When I have my computer.
The taps of the keys make me relax.
I’m super happy when I play shooter.
When I have my computer.
I think it’s better than riding a scooter.
And I’ll always have it if I pack.
When I have my computer.
The taps of the keys make me relax.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.