Sensing Memories

This week our students wrote about memories using their five senses to describe moments they’ve experienced that have made an impact on them. We prepared to write our own poems by reading the model poem “My First Memory (of Librarians)” by Nikki Giovanni and paying close attention to how the poet used her senses to tap into the felt experience her earliest memories.

My Memory
by Jacob M.

The hard cold cars and the rough carpet.

The cold water with ice
standing on the floor

The smell of the yogurt and soup.

The sound of the car wheels
moving fast and the sound
of my mom laughing with me.

The grey shiny fridge. The white
wall and my mom playing with me.

by Ilianyes G.

Sunflowers are very pretty and sunflowers
are very soft, too. When I was in Puerto Rico
I went to a place that had a sunflower
garden. I went and the petals, they were soft.

My Vacation
by Edwin R.

I go to Wisconsin and I arrived
We go to a hotel and we go to a
water park and I see slides in
a water park and I hear people

My First Memory of the Magical Place
by Isaac M.

The touch of the magnetic
sand and the taste of
the food next to the magnetic
sand, and all the different smells
around me and the loud noise
all around the place and on the
cold night the color of fireworks
that ends my day.

A Funeral
by Liam R.

A melancholic memory
was when my grandpa
died we went to his funeral
in Mexico. The place was
very cold and there was
a place to make tea. All my
uncles were crying and my
grandma was asleep.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.