Poemas de Sueños

For our 5th sessions at Swift, we got dreamy! Students shared comforting dreams, crazy dreams, nightmares, magical dreams, and dreams of things hoped for. Enjoy these dream poems!

Ms. Urquiza
2nd Grade

Alexa M.

yo sueño que el césped es verde
yo sueño que las personas son blanca y otras morenas
yo sueño que las puertas de agua son marrones
yo sueño que las luces son blanca
yo sueño que cuando corres los ninos le suena tun tun
yo sueño que los globos son grandes
yo sueño que los gatos hacen miau miau
yo sueño que los perro acen guau guau
yo sueño que los pollitos dicen pío pío pío
yo sueño que el arcoiris es de muchos colores

Shanty G.

I dream about I was in Korea
and I was in a classroom
and I looked out the window
and I saw a woman
she was tall and I
was scared and my next dream I was in
a room and I see a
big woman head that she
was looking at me and I can’t open my eyes
but I finally open my eyes

Amanuel D.

I dream every day is Halloween
I dream I could fly
I dream I could eat pizza
I dream I could drive a race car
I dream I could walk on water
I dream I could shout fire
I dream I could swim across the sea
I dream I could turn into an alien

Ethan R.

I dream it was Christmas and the tooth
fairy will come and give me dollars so I will be
rich and go to a hotel and swim in a money
pool and the hotel will be my home.

Ms. Pendola
2nd Grade

My Scary Story
by Aadarsh

I got my worst nightmares
I even dream about ghosts
The dream makes me feel scared
There are different kinds of ghosts
siren head
teddy bear moving like a doll by itself
the same house in my dream
in one year I dream about buses.

The Best Dream I Ever Had
by Abhipsa J.

I dreamed that me and my friend
was at heaven
and everything was white and we
had our own bedrooms
and when we got out of our bedrooms
there was nothing except white everywhere
my bedroom did not have windows but
my friend had two. so I moved
to her bedroom then we lived together.
this is a real dream.

Amazing Dreams
by Ritam

Sometimes I dream I’m fighting somebody
sometimes I have nightmares
and I also have dreams that make no sense
and I only dreamed one good dream
one time I dreamed that I saved my friend
and I also dreamed about normal dreams

Minnah S.

I dream of stuff that happens tomorrow
I dream about being a artist sometimes
I dream about my mom saying yes to me
I dream about ghosts, monsters, and
people who are scary and creepy.
I dream about making new friends
I dream my friends are playing
with me at school
I dream about seeing flowers,
leafs, and the sun.

Ms. Herlo
3rd Grade

Moyosoreoluwa F.

I dreamt a funny dream
it was about fighting
It was about flying
in the dream it looked like the
people were fighting but they were not
super heroes were flying and they flew
into the wall and broke their teeth

Ha ha!
It’s funny just to talk about it

by Evelyn A.

I dream of the clouds firey
and burnt,
crackling to soot and ash,
blood crashing scorching
over burning surroundings vastly
the sound itself could eliminate
a whole universe, pools of fire
sprout out from the remains.

Happy Dreams
by Jose R.

I dream that it rains diamonds so in world
war three people won’t steal our cash. I dream that
my baby can walk so I can tell him to walk to me every time.
I dream that I was a goal keeper
in Mexico.

Talking Star
by Alvina C.

I dream about I went to target
I saw a star plushie
my mom said that we can get one toy so I got the star plushie.
when I got home the star plushie
started talking right in my hand
I screamed so loud
it was trying to talk but I kept talking over it
It said that every year I have 3 wishes.

Ms. Reed
3rd Grade

Student of the Month
by Alan B.

If my dream of being student of the month
came true
I’ll work very hard and be a man.
plus every one will call me KING
maybe the Vice President
maybe I’ll get a hundred euros

Ayza U.

I dream I could go to Pakistan
I dream I could have a pikachu
as my pet
I believe I can fly
I wish it’s raining tacos out of the sky
I want to be an artist

I wish I could be a
2 year old because you are
the center of everybody’s eye.
the all time boss
nobody will scream at you, and
no school


I dream I’m stuck in endless chores I need
to finish
I dream a snake bit me
I dream I’m falling
I dream about lollipops
I dream about burning
I dream about breaking Mom’s phone
I dream that I was five
I dream about getting stabbed
I dream about earthquakes
I dream about nothing

Ayan G.

My dream is to be student of the month
My dream is to go to the waterpark
My dream is there is no school for a whole year
My dream is to go to Nepal
My dream is to meet a pikachu
My dream is to have a iPhone promax 15
My dream is to fly in the sky
My dream is to help others
My dream is to be a great person.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.