Older Generation Poems

For our second-to-last session, Twain 3rd graders thought about their older generation of grandparents, aunts, and uncles. We read “My Grandmother” by Pela Chacon and “Abuelito Who” by Sandra Cisneros – both poems in English and in Spanish. Before writing, we wondered aloud about grandparents and significant uncles and aunts who we never got a chance to meet, as well as those who live around the corner, in other states, or in countries such as Mexico, the Philippines, Poland, and more.

Mrs. Murphy
3rd Grade

My Uncle Rudy
by Isaiah L.

My Uncle Rudy will always give me
ice cream
He will do/ say funny stuff
He will take me to a museum to
see cool things.  We will
always make quesadillas and he will
fix my glasses.


Mi Abuela
by Isabella

Mi abuela is my candle in the night
She is so bright like the sun
Mi abuela always told me in Spanish
why are you so cute? and in Spanish
I would say yes because I didn’t know
much Spanish when I was little

Mi abuela makes me feel so happy and loved
She makes chocolate
Mi abuela is always in my heart
She knits me blankets that I love
Mi abuela is so pretty


by Xavier L.

When it’s 4th of July
I can’t wait to light
fireworks with you
I’ll be waiting  to light
fireworks, Grandpa.


My Grandma
by Julian D.

as bright as a star
from day and night
a cook that belongs
in a restaurant
with the power of love
she can save the world and
with a special face.


My Special Grandpa
by Samantha M.

My grandpa has a red chair
He was always cold when I touched him

My special grandpa reads books
like me
He speaks English and Spanish
like me
My special grandpa loves kfc chicken
I feel happy when he is with me
My special grandpa is always in my mind
He tells me “You are strong!”
My special grandpa.


Ms. Lee
3rd Grade

The best person
by Isaly R.

My grandma is like the color honey
My grandma plays with me like a friend
She always tells me things are ok
like a person who cares for me

Her hair is like dirt mixed with
light branches
When I lose something she always says
“you know where it went: in the future.” 

We live together and
sometimes have fights.
Our last names start with R.
I love her so much like my mom.
She is so nice like a daisy.
I wonder about her childhood
up to now.
When she laughs she makes a sound
like a pig.


Karla M.

Her hand is soft like a cozy blanket
Her hugs are as warm as my hugs
Her smile is as white as cold snow
Her brown hair is chocolate


Things I wonder about my Grandma
by Ian G.

I wonder if my grandma was Christian
I wonder how old she was when she died
I wonder if she had a husband
I hope she went to heaven
I hope she was smart
I wonder if she liked books
I wonder how tall she was


Leia V.

My grandpa used to sing to me
I used to touch his face
I touch his hand in the sky
I feel very very sad inside but I
try my best for him.  He was so
I know that
because my mom told me
a lot about him.


Niko D.

I feel sad because my granddad passed away
in a war
I wish I could ask him his favorite hobby
and I wish I could play guitar with him
my mom told me my granddad gave me
a guitar before I was born
he knew I would be here


Mi abuela
by Delyla L.

Abuela tu comida esta ven buena
Y yo estoy feliz con tego
Yo te quiero mucho abuela

Ms. Isaacs
3rd Grade

Elianna E.

My grandpa only lives 1 block away from me
I like to visit him
I feel safe around him
He always say Hola Mi niña
He’s retired and I get to spend more
time with him.


Grace M.

My grandma loves art
cards, collages galore
We have a good relationship
She makes me happy


Adan J.

I get afraid of my grandma
when I want to watch t.v.
I feel like I should have never
asked that.  Her face says “no”
her face that is peach says “no”
her eyes that roll to the side.

otherwise, she is nice and gives me
what I want.


Silas M.

My grandma likes to play games
she goes fast on games
Grandma helps me get my
I kind of have multiple 


Alicia S.

Who snores a lot at night
Who acts lie a clown to make me laugh
Who always picks me up when I am done with school


Mrs. Lamas
3rd Grade

Te Extraño Miña
by Arantza P.


te extraño. espero verte pronto.
sueño que
estemos en el Sillon ahorita tomando boba.
(hahaha) le dices a mi abuelita que la
amoy que se mejore.
te mando la bendición.
quisiera que tu pudiera abrazar horita.
te mandaria menasjes y yamarte
pero mi telefono esta apagado (hahaha)

Arantza 😞


The best Grandmother in the World
by Kassandra M.

I would like to visit my grandmother in Mexico
and I would like to eat ice cream
I would bring her flowers
to give a huge hug
to go to the water fountain with her

I wish to see you every day.


from Adrian M.

Dear ?,

I hope I get to you soon
I hope you are okay
I miss you
I am so sorry
I hope you are okay
I miss you so much 
and take care of yourself
I wish I could meet you again
I wish I could see you soon


Katherine R.

ami me gusta cuando mi abuela me cocina
mi comida favorita que es la pasta
extraño tus abrazos con cariña de katherin
y quiero verte


My Granddad
by Leo C.

My granddad was so kind to my mom
my mom says that “it’s so fun playing chess
with your good granddad.”
Now I think that my granddad is 
the funnest of this family.
my mom is not a liar
she always tells the truth
not a LIAR!
I was born 2015 May 5
and he died
I missed him so much






“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.