Mixed Bag

Poems from our 16th sessions reflect a mixed bag: while 2nd graders continued to write identity poems, 3rd graders played with ideas that reflected on their trip to the zoo. Ms. Reed’s class still has some work to do on their poems about meditating gorillas, snoozing’ snow leopards, excited monkeys, and sleepy sloths.

Ms. Urquiza
2nd Grade

Kingston D.

My name is Kingston and I am
the son of Maraita and Avi
I am Brazilian
I look like my mom
I am the oldest and I have a
little brother that is 5 months old
I speak Portuguese and
live in a house and I have family
in Brazil.

Diego C.

I was born in Chicago and my
parents were born in Mexico.
One special thing about me is
I like to dance
I look like my dad and in my house
I speak Spanish.
I speak 3 languages, Spanish, English
and a little Japanese. I like to
watch anime.

Avril B.

I was born in Venezuela
what is special about me is
the gymnastics and the
hand stands, and playing with dolls
and the games I use

I look like my dad
I like my smile
When my friends are happy
I am happy.

Ms. Herlo
3rd Grade

At the zoo there are yellow
giraffes and they are as tall as
yards of yardsticks! The giraffes are
as yellow as bananas

At the zoo we saw a tornado funnel machine
and we were trying to get out because
the wind was faster than a flash

At the zoo we saw tiny pennies
in a tiny pond and we know
many wishes are coming true soon.

At the zoo we see monkeys eating their
bright yellow bananas
or flocks of pink flamingoes
at the start of spring
flying through the sky
with vibrant colors blinding our eyes.

At the zoo you can see
a barn filled with chickens and cows
and a play space with a tractor

At the zoo you can see seals
swimming around in the slippery
tank and a loud gorilla yells
so loud
your ear drums go out!



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.