If I were something else, I would be …

For our sixth session of poetry, the O School Group A and B students were asked to transform into different objects, animals, or people using metaphors. Metaphors are direct comparisons, saying that one thing is another thing. Together we read and watched a video clip of Michael Salinger performing his poem, “If I Were a Gear.” In his poem, Salinger turns himself into a metaphor, by becoming a gear, a device usually used when building machines. I’d have teeth but not a toothbrush/I would mesh with other gears/I would turn n ratio/depending on the size of my partner. Being a gear fits with Salinger’s career, not only is he a poet, but an engineer as well.

Inspired by Salinger, students imagined themselves as unique living and non-living things. Please enjoy these poems and artwork below.

Group A (Middle School)

If I Were a Llama

I would be brown,
white, and cute.

I would be happy.
I would spit at the
nearest person.
I would live in a movie
theater and highjack
the popcorn machine.
I would live with other

I would wear a business suit,
even though I’m broke
and I am Satan!!!!

If I Were a Sith Lord

I would live on the Death Star,
and work on my powers.
I would use a laser sword.
Wear black robes, and blow
people up from the Death Star.

Group B (Middle School)


I am the grass,
waving and I grin.
I watch you go to mass,
as you step on me, I’m pinned.
You shatter glass it blows
into me by the wind.
When I die, I look bland,
‘Till I turn yellow, you don’t
know what I’m about to pass.

If I Were a Snake

I would look skinny,
I would feel weird, because
I would have no arms or legs.
I would wedge myself in cracks,
or swim underwater.
I would live by myself,
but be born with other snakes.
know what I’m about to pass.

If I Were a Wild Lion

I would be caring,
not sharing and fighting
for territory, thinking
my life is a story.
I would sleep
and hibernate deep.
Loving my family and cubs.

If I were a… (Part 1)

If I were a teacher, I would
teach Math class.
I would be the best dressed
teacher there ever was.
I would help people learn.
My coworkers would be sweet.
In the staff lounge I would
find something good to eat.

If I were a… (Part 2)

If I were a star,
I would shine bright,
in the dark of night.
The moon rises while people
wish on me.
I glimmer,
I never fade
so, one day that wish
will come true.

Me As an Owl

I wake up as an owl, soaring through the air.
For breakfast I would catch a mouse, a squirrel or a hare.
I’d bring it back to my tree and it will be delicious,
but another owl came, and he was so malicious.

I said to him, “Now this is mine. It doesn’t belong to you.”
But he said, I was talking that, the robin knows it’s true.
The robin was a block of ice for he was super worried.
“If I said that its yours to keep, he’ll turn me into curry.”

His voice was then a whisper and this is what I heard.
“I would only tell the truth, cause I’m that kind of bird.”

If Were a Fire thrower

I would look like a big machine, that if you pull
on the back end of the machine, a stream of
fire shoots out.

I would feel powerful being a fire thrower.
I would burn everything that exists.

I would live with an “owner,” who would
be shooting the fire using me.
Once everything is burnt down to a crisp,
the only thing s existing or alive would
be me and the owner.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.