A Glossary of Glossary Poems

This week in class we read “Glossary of Terms” by Franny Choi and discussed how form affects poetry with a new and unique form. Students filled in their own categories for Choi’s terms as well as coming up with their own. They were also able to take these ideas and form a plain text poem from them. Please enjoy a selection of their work!

Ms. Smallwood
6th Grade 

Glossary of Terms

Griffin N.

Meaninga bright thinga spooky thinga thing that eatswater
See alsobrightnothingredwater
Antonymnetherpersonno mouthlake
Originan explosiondead personperson eatingN/A
Dreams of beingearthpersonhouselake

Glossary of Terms

Alex M.

GodMovieSportsVideo game
Meaningimaginary undying rulerfilmhaving fun doing exerciseonline game
See alsoZeus, Hades, PoseidonT.V. Showhocking, soccer, footballFortnite, NHL 25
Antonymhumanvideo gamevideo gamessports
Origintitanblack and white filmHave fun exerciseT.V. game
Dreams of beinggod of universesuperheroPro HockeyStreamer, Fortnite

Siempre hay una persona


Siempre hay una persona que quieres y much

pero esa persona no va estar para siempre cuando

se va esa persona en piesa a llorar y sufres porque

la quieras y mucho pero luego piensas que esa

persona te esta mirando desde el cielo y siempre

la vas a llevar en tu corazón

Ms. Hernandez 

7th Grade

Glossary of Terms

Darcy A.

Meaninga state in which one is not thinking
Just is
a feeling where one believes something will be better in a bad situationa thing when one wants somethinga quality that can bring good or bad future
See alsobliss;
wish upon a star; loss; luckforever;
Originan emotion;
believed to be most prevalent in humans
an emotion created by sad humansbelieved to first be used by humansreal or imaginary qualities made by humans
Dreams of beingeternalunnecessary fulfilled everywhere

Glossary of Terms

Laila E.

IceHeartIce CreamBeach
See alsofrozencouplessweettropical
Dreams of beingcold waterbloodgoodswimming

Glosario de términos

Kamila C.

Signifcado lluviamascotaelectrodoméstico para lapices
Ver tambiénvientohijopeliculaspara afilar
antónimo secogatocomputadoramarcador
origenhumanosser traviesosse dañansacarle unta a los lapices
sueña con sermás destructivohumanosmenos utilesmás grande



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.