I Hear – Yo Escucho Poems 3rd & 4th Grade @ Avondale Logandale Fall 2019

How do you make noise on paper?/ ¿Cómo haces ruido en el papel?

In our second week of poetry class, we explored using poetry to express the soundtracks of our lives.

We read a set of sound poems together before taking some time to brainstorm and write our own sound poems about the sounds we hear at school, at home, and around our city and wrote poems to tell this story.

Ms. Lozada

3rd Grade


Yo Escucho

Edwin C. 


Yo escucho tlac tlac es una palomita

Yo escucho bum bum es un carro

Yo escucho mumu es una vaca 

Yo escucho me me es una oveja 


I Hear 

Nayelis R.


I hear footsteps they sound like tap, tap.

I hear birds they sound like tweet, tweet.

I hear kids laughing they sound like ha, ha ha. 

I hear waves they sound like woosh.

I hear a bee it sounds like zzzzzzzzz.

I hear chips, it sounds like crunch crunch.

I hear a car it sounds like vroom, vroom.


Yo Escucho 

Magaly E. 


Yo escucho un perro y hace: woof woof

Yo escucho un gato y hace: miau miau

y o escucho voces y van así: hola, hola

Yo escucho hojas y va así: shhhh shhh

Yo escucho el viento: sssss

Yo escucho a la puerta: pom pom

Yo escucho páginas de libro: lonlon

Yo escucho lápices: chachacha

Yo escucho zapatos: splat splat

Yo escucho canción: Lalala

Yo escucho un mueble: tap tap

Yo escucho unos patos: cuac cuac

Yo escucho una regla: snap snap


Ms. Pease

4th Grade

I Hear 

Mariah F. 


I hear Michael Jackson go hee hee

I hear a show go stomp stomp 

I hear a dog go woof woof

I hear a bee go buzz buzz

I hear a drop go blop blop

I hear a cow say moo moo

I hear a horse neigh

I hear a clap go snap snap

I hear a jacket go zip


I Hear 

Jermonie R.


I hear a wolf going awoooooo

I hear a shark puppet saying “yeah cheese”

Chicken goes “bok bok bok”

The car goes beep!

The teacher goes “blah blah”

I hear eloteros.

I hear singing for muffin time!

I hear people talking like a comedy show.


Mr. Ramos

3rd Grade


I Hear

Mitzielys T


I hear my dad drinking water gloo gloo

I hear my mom’s phone go ting ting ting

I hear an airplane shshshshshshshsh

I hear my stomach growling grrr, grrrr, grrrr

I hear my sister laughing jajajajajajaja

I hear the birds sing pipipipipi

I hear my sister eating cookies crrcrrcrrcrr

I hear the computer go tap, tap, tap

I hear my sister kissing my mom mua mua

I har my sister crying whaa whaa

I hear the water go gloo gloo

I hear the flowers conversation 


What I Can Hear

Brandon C.


I hear my sister go waaaah

I hear cars outside go beep beep

I hear dogs go ruff ruff

I hear paper go swa swa

I hear pencils go tk tk tk tk 

I hear video games go pew pew

I hear the t.v. go bla-bla-bla

I hear the water go sssssss

I hear people go weeeee in a water park

I hear markets go bla-bla-bla

I hear fun places go yay-weeeee

I hear the world go Hi.



Michelle C. 

I hear my little brother cry wa wa wa

I hear my friends are talking bla bla bla

I hear cars beep beep

I hear the water glu glu glu

I hear my brother playing pew pew

I hear my little brother talking GU GU GA GA




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.