I Dream Poem @Moos Academy 4th Grade

In the first week of our winter 2020 poetry class, we discussed what the Hands on Stanzas poetry class residency is (art class with words) and we can expect during our time together – creative writing, playfulness, and experimentation with words. We discussed the difference between the poetic line (a single row of words) and a storyline. We read, discussed, and wrote an I dream poem together as a class before taking the time to write our own wish poems. Each week there will be 2 poems from each class published to our Hands on Stanzas blog, and every student will have an opportunity to see their written work published on our blog in the weeks to come. Enjoy this week’s published poems!

Ms. Jimenéz

4th Grade


I Dream 

Daniel Delgado


I dream of babies doing flips.

I dream that people 12 and under would turn into peanut butter cups.

I dream I could walk through walls.

i dream fishes could walk.

I dream teachers were kids.

I dream of my permanent skin being purple.

I dream of having infinite money.



I hope in the future


I have a dream to become the best WNBA star.

an artist

the president

a doctor

a child


to get married

I have a dream to go to space

I have a dream to be a rockstar

to run a store

to be a scientist

to be a famous dancer

a singer

to help the homeless

to be famous a famous Youtuber

to make fun books for kids

to be a teacher

to be a detective

to have a club

to sell icecream

I have a dream to string

to have an eight pack

to run an amusement park

I have a dream to make 100 friends

to lead a march!



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.