Haines Wishcraft

After a break for munching snacks, students at Haines showed me how to get to our after-school meeting place for poetry where we got acquainted and wrote “Wish Poems.” Enjoy!

Brooklynn T.

I wish I can fly.
I wish I can be rich.
I wish I can stop covid 19.
I wish I had a car.
I wish I can teleport.
I wish I can be a teacher.
I wish I can be a monitor.
I wish I can be a car.
I wish I can take my brother’s money.
I wish I can beat up my brothers.
I wish I can have a tattoo.
I wish to have a little sister.
I wish to never die.
I wish I was Ms. Phihel.
I wish to see the world.
I wish to live in California.
I wish kids can be more powerful than adults.



I wish to go to school.
I wish I owned earth.
I wish to replay time.
I wish not to be a murderer.
I wish to be the most richest man.
I wish to never die.
I wish to own every car company.
I wish to have infinity cash.
I wish to have every superpower in the world.
I wish to have a Ferrari/Lambo
I wish to fly.
I wish to eat 100K ice cream.
I wish to have everything in the world.
I wish to have invisibility.
I wish kids could be more powerful than adults.
I wish to be strong.
I wish to eat a 100 billions pound gummy bear!
I wish I had a PS100.
I wish I had a Xbox.
I wish I owned nintendo.
I wish I was the CEO of apple and microsoft.
I wish to be a fast book reader.
I wish to own a formula 2.
I wish to be Flash.
I wish to be a VIP and MVP.


Jaxon M.

I wish to have superpowers.
I wish to never die.
I wish to end covid 19.
I wish I had a SRT charger.
I wish I found my phone.
I wish kids were more powerful than adults.
I wish I was rich.
I wish I was a tattoo artist.
I wish I had a PS5.
I wish I had a iPhone 12 pro.


Noah C.

I wish to have a car.
I wish to have a house.
I wish to give money to the homeless.
I wish to never die.
I wish to see my grandpa again.
I wish to have the power to pause time.
I wish to have my own band.
I wish to be a star.
I wish to fly.
I wish to have everything in the world.


Peiqi C.

I wish to have as many cats as I want.
I wish to have very many superpowers.
I wish me and my family are super protected.
I wish to get 1M dollars.
I wish to have as puchwater as I want.
I wish to have as much food as I want.
I wish to own everything in the world.
I wish to be able to fly when I want.
I wish I can go through walls when I want.
I wish I can get sushi when I want.


Shannon T.

I wish to have water powers.
I wish to have infinite money.
I wish to kill corona.
I wish to stop Global Warming.
I wish to stop guns.
I wish to see the unloved in my family.
I wish to have my own dog.
I wish to have my old items.
I wish to kill the flu-
I wish to have no sickness.


Zariyah H.

I wish I could get a mini car.
I wish covid 19 would leave.
I wish I could be a mermaid.
I wish it could be my birthday everyday.
I wish I could have every superpower in the world.
I wish kids could stop talking.
I wish I could get a iPhone 13.
I wish I could be the strongest person in the world.
I wish I could be a teacher.
I wish I could be a star.
I wish I could be a hairstylist.
I wish I could do nails.
I wish everything could be free.
I wish my grandma was still alive.







“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.