I dream that I was playing with planets: Avondale Dream Poems

This week in the third grade classrooms of Avondale Logandale… dream poems! We discussed all the different sorts of dreams one might have: scary dreams, weird dreams, funny, sad, confusing, happy, triumphant dreams. We’ve been gathering a lot of poetic skills, working on image and metaphor, sounds and line breaks, and this week, the students utilize all that to show us their dreams.


Ms. Miller
3rd Grade

Amazing Dreams
Abygail P.

I dream I could fly to candyland
I dream of whatever I draw pops out
I dream I could create more planets
I dream I lived in a video game
so I could feel how it feels to live
in a video game
I dream to see the future so I know
what is going to happen
I dream it was snowing $1,000,000
around me
I dream school was made of
bouncy houses so I can jump
My Dreams
Edith M.

I dream I was in the movie Jurassic Park
I dream I can play with dinosaurs in outer space
I dream I have all the clothes I want
I dream that I was playing with planets
I dream I had all of the waterparks
I dream I can rule the world


I Dream

I dream that I was in school at 3am
I dream that I was leaping
Over huge mountains and huge buildings
I dream that I was a superhero
And I had super speed and
Thunder powers and laser vision
I dream that it was Saturday
Every single day and month
I dream I had one million fun fair tickets
I dream that I could talk to any and every animal in the world
I dream that I could fly around the world
I dream that I was smarter than everyone


Ms. Pease
3rd Grade


I Dream Of…
Roxanne R.

I dream school was only on Friday
I dream my house is a mall
I dream of unicorns in my house
I dream I live on the island
I dream I was rich
I dream everything is made of diamonds
I dream I did magic
I dream I was singing on my deck
I dream I was purple
I dream of being a makeup artist
I dream I was drawing
I dream I had all the Xbox’s


Savage Dog
Adriana L.

I dream that I had 1,000000000 dollars
I dream the world was rich
I dream that my birthday is everyday
I dream that the world was water
I dream that swan is the best
I dream I was really fast
I dream I was nice to everyone
I dream that there was never school


Do Ya No Da We

I dream that the school was marshmallows
I dream that I was the enderdragon
I dream that I was a dolphin with a top hat
I dream I had a car made out of money
I dream I have a pet penguin
I dream I was a zombie
I dream I was a knight




Ms. Batres
3rd Grade

Yo sueño
Stephanie C.

Yo sueño que juege piano en mis sueños
Yo sueño que veo un elefante
Yo sueño que veo limo
Yo sueño que tenga muchos perros
Yo sueño que soy it
Yo sueño que veo un gorila


I Dream
Stephanie C.

I dream that I play piano in my dreams
I dream that I see an elephant
I dream that I see slime
I dream that I have many dogs
I dream that I am it
I dream that I see a gorilla

I Dream
Miguel M.

I dream I was rich
I dream I want a pet
I dream that there’s no time
I dream I can do anything
I dream I can make a rainbow
I dream I was a rainbow color
I dream I got a dog
I dream was a story book
I dream I was president
I dream I got a pokemon
I dream pokemon I was real
I dream


My Dreams
Daniel B.

I dream that I was a video game
character. I dream that I was
a size of a leprechaun and
then I made friends with it. I
dream I was bigger thann the
world and then I touched a
part of the world then I went
down to that place and I
was there. I dream that when
we say something we say it
backwards. I dream that I lived
with a leprechaun. I dream that
I was a pencil that tried to escape
the school.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.