Clouds are like flying ice cream/ Comparison Poems @ Avondale Logandale

In week 3, we had fun exploring comparison poems! We talked about how things that are different can share similarities and shared some of our favorite lines from a round of comparison poems that used similes (the words “like” or “as”) to note similarities between two things: “A butterfly is like a colorful rainbow” … “Clouds are like flying ice cream”… “A person’s whisper is like a soft pillow.” Then, we worked together to write a comparison poem together as a group before taking time to write comparison poems on our own. Enjoy our published poems from week 3!


Ms. Miller
3rd Grade


Comparison Poem
Lula Q.

A tiger is like an ant.
A book is like a rainbow.
A marker is like a friend.
A paper is like a person.
A building is like a pencil.
A folder is like a lamb.
A dad is like a pillow.
An earring is like a butterfly.
A fairy is like an animal.
A house is like a map.
A desk is like a tree.
A door is like a tall man.



Comparison Poem
Nialaney G.

A snowman is like a mouse.
An elf is like a reindeer.
A moon is like a heart.
A dream team is like a paper.
A lunch bag is like a Christmas tree.
A baby is like a snowflake.
A chicken is like a stick.
A rose is like a mansion.
A puppy is like a rock.
A pie is like a fly.
A paper is like a bell.
A pencil is like a ship.



Comparison Poem
Destiny O.

A friend is like a secret.
A dog is like an angel.
A pencil is like a bed.
A sun is like a book.
A fly is like unicorn.
A secret is like a fairy.
A Christmas tree is like magic.
Butter is like slime.
A star is like a person.
A number is like school.
A job is like a tree.
A song is like a holiday.



Ms. Afzal
3rd Grade



Comparison Poem
Giselle F.

My sister is like a butterfly.
My mom is like a cozy sweater.
Cotton candy is like a cloud.
A chair is like a door.
My BFF is like a butterfly.
My mom is like a car.



Comparison Poem
Daisy E.

My friend is like a unicorn.
A rain cloud is like a sweater.
A unicorn is like a pillow.
A jellyfish is like chocolate Nutella.
A baby cat is like a princess.
The ocean is like the color blue.
A galaxy is like a finger.
A person is like a dollar.
My BFF is like a little star.
My mom is like my world.
The rain is like a flower.



Comparison Poem
Brittany Y.

My mom is like a unicorn.
My cat is like a pillow.
My dad is like a fish.
The houses are like cotton candy.
My BFF is like a butterfly.
My house is like a galaxy.



Ms. Pease
3rd Grade


Comparison Poem
Silana N.

My baby sister is like a puppy.
My mom is like a guard dog.
Markers are like a rainbow.
My eraser is like a taxi seat.
My dog is like a toy dog.
A galaxy is like a milky way.
My glasses are like a window.



Comparison Poem
Jaslyn J.

Black ink is like midnight.
A mop is like a fussy cat.
A door is like a rock.
A marker is like a rainbow.
A pencil is like a stick.



Comparison Poem
Angel L.

My sister is like a puppy.
A penguin is like a blanket.
A dog is like a ball of energy.
A cat is like a hiker.
Candy is like a plane.
A ball is like a rolly polly.
A human is like a dog.
A volcano is like the sun.
A lion is like a hurricane.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.