Blackout Poems and Centos

This week the young vikings explored blackout poems and centos. They read excerpts from Austin Klein’s Newspaper Blackouts and Chicago poet Simone Muench’s “Wolf Cento.” The students were then given back issues of Chicago literary magazines to create their own blackouts and/or centos. I’m really proud of how hard they worked this session!








“It’s Almost Pretty”

By Jocelyn S

It’s almost pretty

Isn’t it

You forget you’re sitting

In darkness

Wonder what he means

Some significance

Let’s go

We never got together

“I was afraid”

You must have known

You had me

How could you be afraid?











by Ace E.

Power to the present

Not rich enough when we were kids

Car on the shoulder slipped down

Fifteen feet

They rolled clay and gravel

Sweat-glistened Jesus

Legs streaked with mud

“You wanna go back?”

More scratches, more streaked mud

“Look at me.”

Scratches, angry red

“I fell in”

“He jumped in there with me.”

Oozy mud dripped down

I baptize you.

No, he did.

I baptize you.

“Look at me, you wanna go back?”

Toward the water,

Breathing hard

Angry red









Blackout Poem

by Keagen A.






Blackout Poem

by Anabella W






Blackout Poem

by Amelia S.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.