5th grade Observations

As distance learning continues, Avondale-Logandale 5th graders leaned into using their powers of observation.  We reflected on times when we have observed people and pets doing things; and then we read  the poem, “Beef Bone Soup” by Janet S. Wong.  In “Beef Bone Soup” the poet shares her childhood memory of watching her mother eat her favorite soup in a Korean soup shop.

Mrs. Pannell
5th Grade – Room 204

Run Little Dog Run
Angelina A.

The dog’s legs moving side to side as she runs
The hairs on her back swishing through the warm air
Her hair sweating as she runs
The floor going “TaP TaP”
Her ears getting pinned back
Her eyes open as wide as she can
Her bumping into walls
Then she jumps onto the couch and naps the evening away


My dad’s hard work
Mitzielys T.

I watch my dad cook for me everyday
He works very hard
Even when he cuts his fingers he puts on a band aid and keeps going
He’s chomping tomatoes

He doesn’t want anyone to disturb him
At the end the effort was worth it
We pray to bless other people who don’t have food
and Amen it’s time to eat

Delicious food comes in my mouth
thank you father Wow it tastes very good.


I observed
Daisy E.

I observed my sister working on her homework
She takes her time doing her homework
Her face is so serious as she concentrates on her work
Her hands move fast when she types her answers
She thinks: what will she write?
She is in her chair with her computer.


Grade 5 – Room 206

Meow Meow My Cat Wails
Jocyana C.

Meow Meow says my cat
She looks straight up at my left hand with her bowl
And my right with a bag of cat food

As I walk to my parents room to put the bowl down
She runs to me
Trying to climb on me
I bow down to fill the bowl

Meow Meow
She wails
Looking at me with big wide hazel green eyes

As I get back up
She has a big smile
Running as fast as a cheetah
Gobbling her food as fast as a lion


Keyla V.

It is a cold winter night,
The sky is gray and the ground is white.
I see no one around no one in sight.
It seems so lonely yet I feel so good.
As I walk home to keep warm
I smile inside ’cause it’s me and the snow.


Lily? Why are you always so excited for this?
Sophia B.

We do this once every week.
It’s your favorite part.
I go into the bathroom and open the drawer at the bathroom sink.
I grab the hairbrush.
Oh, you thought I was going to brush my hair? Oh no no no not at all!
I sit on the ground.

Lily runs as fast as she can to me.
She sits down in an exciting way.
Wagging her tail, pouncing her paws, and catching her breath,
You can see on her face she is EXCITED!

Oh Lily, You’re such a crazy dog for a HAIR BRUSH?!
Man… When I have to brush my hair I’M NOT EXCITED AT ALL!
How are you excited for this PAIN?!

She sits there, still wagging her tail,
Excited for me to start brushing her fur.
She scratches me with her claws to start brushing already!

OW!! I say, Aw come on, you’re so weird…






“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.