You do not have to be good @ Peterson 7th Grade

Last week, we wrote poems inspired by Mary Oliver’s “Wild Geese” starting with the line “you do not have to be good” to explore the idea of goodness, and having agency over ones’ own life and self-perception.


Mrs. Ionita

2nd Period

Nagwa A.

You do not have to be good…


you don’t want donald trump as president
you don’t want to do homework
you don’t want to sleep early/get up early
you don’t want people to get bullied
you don’t want to do chores
you don’t want people to be left out
you don’t want people to trash the earth
you want everybody to be able to be different
in their own way
you want better school lunches
you want to leave school early
you don’t want socks for your birthday
you want to be yourself
we want to live on mars!


Mrs. Ionita

3rd Period

Anahi M.

You do not have to be good
You do not have to get good grades in school.
You can hangout with the friends you adore so much
in the  place where they sell wonderful milkshakes and
eat pizza next door.
Standing there, you see the school, looking at your
childhood memories.
Now a bridge stands there, trees, the benches and the grass
No more mud
Just a little more love.


Mrs. Ionita

4th Period

Delilah K.

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to be perfect.
Even if you are down or happy.
You are you.
People may look up to you for it.
If you have a disability, you will be loved.
If you are smart, you will be loved.
No matter who you are, you will be loved.
No matter who you are, you will be cared for.
No matter what.
love is love.
Everyone can love, and will be loved.
No matter what, you are important.
Let any flaws of yours shine.
People will still care about you for them.






“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.