Word Play Way Conversation and Presentation- May 8 & 9

The Chicago Poetry Center and David L Hoyt Foundation have been collaborating on a public arts project for this summer. Please join our conversation on May 8th and our presentation on May 9th to support this work!

Conversation – May 8th

Douglas Park
1401 S Sacramento Dr
Chicago, IL
1-3 PM
Food will be served to attendees

This will be an On the Table conversation facilitated by The Chicago Community Trust to discuss our current collaborative project: Word Play Way North Lawndale!

Word Play Way is a giant outdoor word search designed to provide community members with interactive literacy and learning opportunities, as well as a chance to connect with one another. This edition of Word Play Way will have a poem by Roger Reeves- a former resident of North Lawndale and esteemed poet, winding in the letter grid so community members can learn more about poetry through programming that utilizes the grid, with Roger’s words acting as a thematic starting point.

RSVP on Facebook

Presentation – May 9th

South Loop: Exact location revealed on Facebook page on the day of the event
6-10 PM
Donation of $5-$10

We were offered an opportunity to present our Word Play Way North Lawndale project from Burners Without Borders. This grant salon allows audience members to vote on their favorite proposed project and whoever wins, get the $2,000 grant.

Donate $5-$10, which gets you a delicious dinner, a vote, and entrance to the event.

RSVP on Facebook




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.