
Starting out our poetry residency at Burbank Elementary, student poets used their imagination to create wish poems, inspired by the model poem “I Wish” by Beth S. (a previous Hands On Stanzas student). Students learned how to write list poems, to think about literal vs. imaginary language, and how repetition can be a powerful tool in the rhythm and meaning of poems (like with wishes and goals in our lives).



by Juan M.


I wish I went to

Tokyo to see places. And how

life is in Tokyo. Why? Well

it looks nice at night all

places glow. It looks cool

and I will go to the arcade

looks good in there. And prizes

are anime. Did you know that



I Wish

by Maritza C.


I wish that COVID-19 ends

so we could be free

without wearing a mask

like we were before.


I wish I could fly so

I could be free as

other birds flying

everywhere around.


I wish I Had…

by Natalie B.


I wish I had a bunny

I wish I controlled the sun

I wish I got a 3D pen

I wish I got a PS5

I wish I had a toucan as a pet

I wish I had unlimited pizza

I wish I had a mountain of pop its

I wish I had a bunch of fossils

I wish I had a phone

I wish I had a lot of money


I wish I Could Fly

by Liam R.


I wish I could fly

so I could touch the

sky I would go to school

come back in a sigh

and gly and glide through

the sky to take my wings

and learn to fly

go to places and come

back in time I could

be happy and be fine



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.