What’s On Your Plate?

Kozminski students had a mouth-watering writing session last week, with help from fellow Poets In Residence Isaac Miller and Chasity Gunn. Students started off with a fun emoji guessing game to get their brains turning. After guessing some of our favorite fast food spots, we chatted about some of our favorite foods. I shared my love for okra stew, a dish my West African family enjoys. Students then wrote some food-inspired poems of their own. Check out a few below:

4th Grade


by Goodness A. 

My favorite food 

is white 

like a cloud


It can be

any shape

but mostly circle


It’s soft

and squishy

like slime.


It can be 

any size 

on the plate 

or on the



It’s like a 

soft and heavy




by Ja’Zelle C.

The pizza’s as 

big as my



As good as

my mom’s homemade



the cheese is as

golden brown

as my bed sheets.


The last time

I ate this meal 

was on Friday night

with my bffs.


The pizza is as 

good as my 

grandma’s cooking.



by DeAndre B. 

The sauce is

red like roses


The cheese is

like a french bird


When I take

a bite the

cheese makes me

feel like I’m

in cheese land


A big piece

of squared lasagna

filled with cheese

and ground beef


I had lasagna

after I got

home for summer

break from my

cousin house in

Danville with my

mom and my

sister we talked

about how hot

it was outside

and then we

ate the cheesy


5th Grade

Burger and Fries

by Jahyden W.

My favorite food

is french fries

and beef burgers


Burgers remind me

of my family

because of how

much I love



The last time

I ate it

was yesterday


If you add

a dash of

hot sauce

It’s really good



A burger has

one patty or

how much your

heart desires


and two soft

crispy buns


I like to

add lettuce, tomatoes,

onions on my



I like french

fries with that



Fried Okra

by Kaleb R. 

Fried Okra looks

weird like a



Fried Okra taste

like heaven falling

into your mouth


Fried Okra makes

me feel good

like a sunny



If I had one

wish I would

wish for unlimited

Fried Okra


Cheese Fries

by Azaiah A.

Cheese Fries are

so cheesy and



Cheese Fries taste

like melted cheese

that silks in

my mouth.


Cheese fries remind

me of little

sunflowers moving when

the wind makes

them shake.


My mom made

cheese fries when

I was so

hungry and when

she made them

it felt like

I was in

paradise and I

ate it with

my brothers in

the house.


Me and my

brothers were talking

about how the

cheese fries remind

us of all

the old days

when we ate

the cheese fries.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.