‘Well…that’s that.’ Party. Over .

As we continue distance instruction, students at Taft Freshman Academy continue to generate beautiful poems!  This week’s poems are inspired by Jason Schinder’s poem, The Party.

Lesson Note: ‘In a time of crisis, poetry can help focus our fears and transform ‘noise into music’ … In effect, poetry “aims in every possible way to reaffirm the world that we actually inhabit, in all its vital, messy, beautiful, tragic reality. Mar 10, 2020, The Washington Post.

Ms. Munoz, 9th Grade
Period One

Late Night Party
By Brandon B.

After spending two hours setting everything up I hear a ring from the doorbell.

I went and checked to see who my first guests were, Andrei arrived with a look of excitement.

We headed downstairs to the party where the room was dark with the slight glow of candles and string lights.

I put on some music so there wouldn’t be too much silence.

After a few more minutes the rest of my friends arrived.

I went upstairs with Alex and they wanted to help out with setting out the food.

They were a big help and not long after, everyone took some food.

The rest of the night we all talked and played games, but once 11 struck the clock everyone decided it was time to head home.

The party was fun, I just wish it could last forever.

By lillyan m.

At this party is family, friends, and acquaintances.
I missed them all since it’s been so long.

we only see each other when a party like this comes along.
This party is as an aunt’s house or uncles, or even a garage.

It looks like a children’s party.
The kind that the adults sit at a table and talk and the children play outside.

There is lots of food to eat something like rice and chicken.
there is cold pop in that cooler but the beer is in the red one.

All different kinds of music is played to keep the grandparents happy as they watch the grandchildren dance and play.

These parties seem like they last forever.
So long that the children fall asleep and wake up in the car on the way home.

You can only leave if you have something important to do.
These family parties end when everyone is gone.
And even still they always come back.

You can only leave if you have something important to do.
These family parties end when everyone is gone.

Ms. Munoz, 7th Grade
Period Two

By Natalya H.

Yayy you made it!
shouts Max, when Adrien approached us.
Now the party can begin!

With Max conversing with Adrien,
Alya getting her camera ready to, as she likes to say, get the click click going on,
Violet quietly and calmly reading her book in the warm grass on the field,
And me
Preparing the party,
We can start catching up.

For the next few hours,
Everyone talks about their shared memories, both cheerful and sorrowful, and even the ones that date back to our very beginning.

The sun is gleaming and beaming, creating all kinds of abstract shapes and shadows,
The beautifully colored flowers are blooming,
The cool breeze is dancing across our soft skin,
And the smell of rebirth fills our noses,
As we take in the field of beauty before us.

We talk and dance and hum to the calming music that plays for our ears.

But before we know it, the sun is setting, the cool breeze is getting a little stronger,
And the night is coming to join our party.

Our party felt as if time went by, barely allowing us to enjoy each other’s company.

Adrien is the first to leave, speaking and waving bye to us as he enters his car.
Alya hugs all of us before adding that the documented party on her camera will be sent to each of us, in about 30 minutes.
Which leaves Max and me, packing all the supplies, and spending a few more minutes together.

But when the time comes, we know what to do.
We express our thanks and gratitude and i wish you the best’s, and I head home,

The empty feeling of being
engrosses me whole.

All Finished
By Oliver, N.

All of it was done
Everything emptied out
He realized he was too late
He got the wrong time
Nothing left for him
No one left to talk to
This might be his last year
But he was glad that it was finished

Ms. Munoz, 7th Grade
Period Five

Roller Rink Relaxation
By Alex B.

The outdoors line the edge of the rink

The breeze flowing through the air,
as we watch the sun start to fall

With our rollerblades tight, we race around the rink
fighting for the puck, rarely stopping for a drink

There are tables full of food and delight,
pizza, burgers, and fruit, with drinks on the side

The sounds of the posts are drained out by the music,
and the smells of the food make our dogs start drooling

The sight of the sun sparks some light,
its vibrance prominent as it shines high and bright

However it begins to fall, the sunset beginning,
and we begin to realize that our time here is dwindling

We continue to talk, discussing plays to end it off

attempting to get the final goal before returning home

Night-time arises, as the darkness makes the light fade away,
so we start to wrap it up, reflecting on the fulfilling day

We unite our skates, we sit as a group

We begin to start walking, back towards the parking lot around the loop

I say bye to Vinnie and Nicky, followed by Keaton and Paul,
I say bye to Nathan and Evan, as well as Logan and his dog.

We get in our cars, and we slowly disperse

It’s not farewell however, as we know we’ll see each other tomorrow

At the ice rink we’ll meet, ready to practice and improve,
grateful for the opportunities and paths we can pursue.


until we see each other in another time…
By Roxana C.

All my elementary school friends are at this party. Angelique, Elizabeth, Liz, Lindsay, and Daniela. All with smiles plastered on their faces.
We’re outside in the well-lighted backyard. A bunch of tables and chairs scattered over the area. Fairy lights, party streamers, and confetti tint the tables and porch.

Ah yes, the smell and taste of homemade, authentic Mexican food. Everyone getting up and filling their plates up with delicious food. Soda, juice, and some other drinks are being offered left and right.

Music is one of the main priorities at parties. We play a bunch of music, which motivates everyone to dance, maybe even sing.

As the light from the sky slowly disappears, the more the fairy lights are turned on. Those small lights won’t do much to bigger lights are placed, combating the dark shadows all over the place.
Gossiping, catching up, revisiting old memories, you name it. We’re all glad to be together and create new memories together.

As it turns to the later hours, I start to pack up and bid my goodbyes to everyone. When I say everyone, I MEAN everyone even the people I don’t know.

Although I came to this party with all of my friends I leave first. They never bid goodbye to me, they still try to reach me yet they don’t realize it. They don’t realize that It’s not a short goodbye where I’ll be gone for a minute, an hour, a day, a month, a year.

They were my only friends, and sure, I loved every second of being friends with them, but I’ve realized in what position I was in. Not a good one for sure.

I’ll reminisce on those good memories,
but it was time to end this chapter,
at this last party with them.

Ms. Munoz, 9th Grade
Period Six

The long-awaited Reunion
By Wiktoria T.

It’s finally the day.
The long awaited reunion we’ve all been waiting for.
We’ve all begun our lives now.
The feeling of nostalgia lingers in the air.
Everyone’s laughing and cackling over the cheesy jokes that are being made.
Trying to lighten the mood.
All of the windows are open, and an inviting breeze of wind flows throughout our bodies, leaving chills as it leaves.
Anna grew taller,
Taras matured,
and Kayah seems content.
All of us laughing and reminiscing about all of our old memories.
It makes me feel grateful to have grown up with these people, who were at one point, just strangers in my life.
I decided to let my playlist play in the background, because obviously I have the best music taste in this room.
Everybody’s spilled their drinks all over themselves while laughing.
The entire house is filling up with joy.
The tartiness flavor of strawberry wont leave my mouth.
As the party gradually starts to end, I can still smell the strong perfume and heavy scent of alcohol remaining in the room.
Everyone left.
Until next time.

Never really liked parties
By Jamhica Y.

The lights on the candles are blown out
It’s my friends birthday today
The knife slices into the (not chocolate) cake
And plates are being passed around

The loud music hurts my ears and the bright lights hurt my eyes.
I step away from the crowd

I go outside where the night sky greets me and walk over to my group of friends
We decide to play uno and everyone is soon arguing over the rules
Well not everyone… mostly Jocelyn and Grace
I don’t mind though
I’m too drained too argue
We stop playing mid game cause it’s taking forever

I still stay cause I haven’t seen my friends in so long and I enjoy their company
We relax and sit on the grass to just talk
About what we’ve been up to
Insults being thrown whenever there is an opening

I’m and introvert in a group of extroverts
Im so tired and everyone is still so energetic
I don’t like parties
But I enjoy being with my friends

Ms. Munoz, 7th Grade
Period Eight

By Michelle A.

My cousins running around the alley,
thump thump
My Tias gossiping & giggling around the table,
My Tios chugging beer & laughing while standing,
gulp gulp
My grandpa cooking the meat by the grill,
sizzle sizzle
My grandma awkwardly venting to someone,

Title (prty)
By [nick]

All my friends are here
Everyone is talking
There is a pizza on the table
And a 2 liter of coke

Im in my house having a good time
I feel comfort



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.