‘This book is a poem.’ : Listography!

This lesson circulated around the concept of lists. Through creative play we created and talked about lists and then read Albert Goldbarth’s, long poem , ‘Library’ ( a list poem truncated for our purposes in class).

Lesson Note: List making practices have been used regularly by authors such as Ray Bradbury, to mine their memory for writing gold. “The lists were the provocations,” he writes, “that caused my better stuff to surface. I was feeling my way toward something, honest, hidden under the trapdoor on the top of my skull.”

Ms. Munoz, 7th Grade
Period 1

My Library
Niamh M.

This book has changed someone’s life
This book is worn from
frequent use.
This book has a sad ending.
This book-I wouldn’t
This book’s author died
one hundred years ago.
This book has been read
billions of times.
This book hasn’t been read
This book is purple with
silver lettering.
This book has coffee stained
This book made me hate books.
This book made me love books.
I lost this book twleve times.
This book is written all over iin
a four year old’s crayon
this book was recommended by my
third grade teacher.
This book is written in thirteen
This book is banned form
public libraries.
This book never should have
been written.
This book can be hard to
find-wait someone stole it!
This book I wrote five years
ago after reading a particularly
distasteful book.
I should have gotten rid
of this book a long time ago.
This book is my favorite.
I swear this book talks.
This book-you’ll have to
read it yourself.

Joanna T.

This book saved my heart
This book loved attention
This book used to be a clock
This book is full of happiness
these books are surrounded by the earth, wind and water
This book was created by fairies

This book was dirty with mud
This book was an imagination
This book was not a book
This book was broken and regretful
This book made me want to throw
a ball out the window
This book is sad
This book is full of grass
This book, Mother Nature created
This book teaches me life
This book made me angry
This book loves to eat
This book can fly in the wind
This book can contain life
This book is made of stars

Gabriel F.

This book is tiring
This book gives me the burden that I have to read
This book died and is hard to remember
This book taught me how to procrastinate
This book is garbage
This book is forgettable
I forgot the name of the book
This book created arguemnts
This book I burn a lot of the time
Maybe not the case for some poeple
to the eyes of some people
This book is interesting
This book shouldn’t be ended
This book gives life and revives
This book changes someone
but overall this book is based on
someone’s eyes

Gigi S.

This book introduced me to poetry
This book gives me a headache
This book hid the depths of my bookcase
This book was covered with other books
because it scared me.
This book was my first book
This book brings back memories from hell (5th grade)
This book makes me cry
This book is my favorite
This book took 2 years to read
This book was used for decoration reasons
This book made me look smart when I was readiing
it hiding it’s true contents from everyone else
This book lives in a board city known as
This book was a school assignment, I don’t remember
it, I didn’t read it.
This book annoyed me I still read it.
This book’s ending sucked
This book has not been read yet because I
hate reading.

Ms. Munoz, 7th Grade
Period 3

Annelese C.

The book made me sad…
This book made me bored
This book made me fall asleep
This book made me throw up
This book made me think overthrow
This book made me stressed
This book made me wanna cry
This book made me get into my feelings
This book made me give up
This book made me get angry
This book made me to breathe it
This book made me think about music
This book made me wanna travel
This book made me cold
This book made me drop it

Sister Scandel
Emily W.

The colors of the wind against my shirt
The colors of the sky in the early morning
The colors of the white winter sun in the sun
The colors of the building in the moonlight
Hey sisters said the sister of everyone
The colors of the sun on a cloudy day
The colors of the bright green pickles in a jar
Begging to be released
The colors of the products we use to be ‘better’
Hey sisters said the an to the camera
Hey sisters, we have another issue
Hey sisters, why are we like this
Hey sisters, we shoul dlove us as a union
Hey sisters, we shold love ourselves
Hey sister, we stand strong together.

Oscar G.

This book made me cry…of laughter.
This book is amazing.
This book smells like mayonnaise.
This book showed me Barack Obama.
This book taught me Japanese.
This book is written by a tattoo artist.
This book is 6 pages long.
This book has Egyptian delicacies.
This book doesn’t have an author.
This book saved a dog.
This book is actually a documentary.
This book is written in German.
This book has been passed down for generations.
This book is about sharks.
Ths book made me smile.
This book is a poem
This book’s author is an unkown person
This book is…a book.

Ms. Munoz, 9th Grade
Period 5

Amanda R.

This song made me dance
This song is too sarcastic and too annoying.
This song talks too much.
This song was very important to me.
This song left me too early.
This song left me empty memories.
This song made me uncomfortable.
This song keeps me alive.
This song gives too much homework!
This song takes care of me.
This song was my first friend.
This song is my favorite.
This song only belongs to me.
This song is my child.

Leeomar F.

This movie is boring
This movie is cool
This movie annoys me
This movie is what helps me breathe
This movie has my going crazy
This movie won’t stop talking about me
This movie can make me fly
This movie can never die
Thsi movie is very rude
This movie reminds me of a movie
This movie is attacking me, help
This movie has no friends
This movie is a bolly to his friends
This movie is really fast
This movie hides in the grass
This movie is what we’re watching in class

Scarlet A.

This book makes me mad! Full of little pet peeves that
ruin my day.
This book put’s me in a Rant.
The chapters in the book remind me of being hungry
( I need something to eat.)
This book is full of fake, Rude, Nosey, unfair, non considerate
kids. (Why are people like this?)
This book shows the Generation’s rude, dumb, annnoying
kids. ( Why do I have to be associated with this Generation.)
This book shows all the times I’ve been excluded, plans
been cancelled, lost friendship, and fake friendships.

Ms. Munoz, 7th Grade
Period 7

These Songs
Christina G.

This song made me feel as if I just
entered another world
This song made me drown in my
This song reminded me of the days,
when going out to see the sunset
was exciting
This song made me feel alive
This song made me smile
This song made me frown
These songs are part of my life

Gabriela C.

This book kept me up every night
This is the book I read in between others
This book gave me nightmares
This book scared me
This book changed how I see the world
This book taught me about strengh
This book was a rip- off
This book was better than the movie
This book is unread on my bookshelf
This book was boring
This book left me thirsty
This book shows the value of friendship
This book got me in trouble
This book wass left unfinished
This book changed my life
This book was never returned
This book is damaged
This book is real
This book is unknown
This book was forgotten
This book broke my heart

Kevin G.

This book smelled of mustard
This book tasted of rainbows
And this book was eggs
This book gave long lasting
This book I used as kindling
for fire
This book I used to prop up
a table
This book I used to pretend
I was reading
This book I threw at a wall
And this book I threew
at a person.
This book I burned
And this book I threw
in a lake.
This book is a caffine addict.

Ms. Munoz, 9th Grade
Period 8

Ayah G.

This song helped me
This song has meaning
This song talks about fun
This song shows love
And this one shows hate.
This song is be an artist that cansing well.
This song makes me feel lucky
This song shows wealth
This song is by an artist that everyone
This song is short while this one is as
long as a movie.

Emma C.

This song makes me happy.
This song makes me feel awesome.
This song gets me pumped up.
This song makes me tired.
This song makes me angry.
This song gets me bored.
This song gets me lazy.

This World
Khalid F.

This world is scary
This world can chew you up and spit you out
This world has multiple colors
This world has different people
This world’s time is fast
This world has brothers and sisters
This world nneds a leader
This world needs two face
This world is over heating
This world is futuristic.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.