The Shape of a Poem

The 7th grade poets from West Park Academy “designed” their own shape poems. Shape poems are poems written in the shape of their subject or inspiration. This is one of the many ways poetry is different than other forms of literature. Unfortunately, we could not show you their designs but below are the lyrics from their shape poems which are equally as powerful.



Jennica R.


My eyes glow like a star

When I look at the sky

It is golden and pretty



Fernanda P.


Lady of the Moon

I tell the stars about you

How you brighten my world

When it’s dark

I hope one day I become

As beautiful as you

I dream that one day

I’ll get to see

How amazing you are



Edwin A.


We drifted apart like clouds

We fought

Our misty grips

But in the end

We were again

Clouds on different winds

Then we became friends



Aaliyah C.


Spring is here

Leaves are falling down

Orange, yellow, red and brown

Flowers are starting to bloom



Angel V.


Bright and shiny like a diamond

Giving me hope at night

Like memories that shine like gold



Mariana T.


Escuchamos musica para irnos

A una dimension

Donde no hay problemas

Pero llenamos esa dimension

Con problemas

Por olvidar nuestros


En esa dimension





“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.