“Taking a bite is like eating heaven” Taste with South Loop Poetry Club!

Last week at South Loop Poetry Club, we continued our study of the senses and read “Fried Chicken” by Kwame Alexander to inspire us to write about how tasty our favorite foods are. Please enjoy these delicious poems by our talented poets!

South Loop Poetry Club

a cakey whole
By Oliver G.

kids at a

campaign with
champagne they

spy with their

eye a cake made

with rye

but there is a

whole in the

world because the

kids world is the cake

sprinkles in the ceiling

frosting on the floor

and nothing more.

Da Bred and Nutella
By Zachary G.

Nothing hits the spot

Like Bread and Nutella

It’s as great as it


It’s a great snack

a sweet and delicious food

with not too much flavor

It is plain and easy to make

Food Heaven
By Navi R.

So tasty, so savory

Taking a bite is like eating heaven

The tangy taste, with a tint of yummy

It’s chicken wings

Then, ramen, so tasty, rich, and flavorful

So yummy & savory, like I’m in a dream

But I’m living it

A food dream and a food heaven

By George


Sushi is tasty like tofu
on rice / yummy is the sashimi

Spicy, delicious, rich and fresh
make sushi

A Big Juicy One
By Annabel G.

All the Flavors mixed together,

Juicy, savory, fresh,

The patty,

The ketchup,

The lettuce,

all together,

You get the best food,


Itadakimasu – Let’s eat or yummy in Japanese
By Mia P.

So sweet

So sugary

So flavorful

Honeycomb ice cream

It gave me life

I saw heaven

I opened my eyes for the
first time.


Greasy, rich, cheesy, stretchy.
Savor it / a hint of spice I get,
the more I eat I forget.

So delicious it’s Pizza.


Doughnut Time
By Audrey C.

Doughnut time is beautiful
flavorful and tasty and Tangy
make sure you buy your
doughnut time from dunkin dough-
nuts today also get a bucket
full of sprinkles. and a bucket
of frosting.

Spring Rolls
By Cole C.

It’s spring
I went to Ohio
Seeing my grandparents

It was night
They started cooking
the time they call me
Rolls came to me

I hold one of them
Hearing chrunching
I took a bite
So Flavorful…
Fresh in the freeze.

I Savored it
the vegetables
rich and sharp
So sweet.

The spring that came
was a front
over gates of heaven…

It… was a delicious batch of
spring rolls



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.