Summer On My Mind

We may be half-way through autumn, but the poets at Hale have all things summery and sweet on their minds. Read our two collaborative poems where the poets practice their imagery, similes, and metaphors by paying homage to some of their favorite things during the warmer weather.



Alexcia, Lily, Ava P., Ava F. and Olivia

4th-5th grade


Ode to the strawberry stem

You are greener than Frankenstein

You are as red as a tomato

Ode to the strawberry seeds

You are as yellow as the sun

Ode to even the bottom of the strawberry

You are as pointy as a screw




Alexcia, Lily, Ava P., Ava F. and Olivia

4th-5th grade


Ode to the ocean,

it is as blue as my tears

and it is as wavy as my handshake.

Ode to the ocean shore for being sandy.

Ode to the waves that move

like the flowers in the wind.

Ode to the sand

as yellow as the sun shinning.

Ode to the rocks for being so bumpy

and lumpy.

Ode to the waves for crashing so smoothly.

Ode to the ocean for being scarier

than Halloween.

Ode to the fish

they are scalier than shells.




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.