Strange Pairs Poems 3rd & 4th Grade @ Avondale Logandale Winter 2020

During the 4th week of the Chicago Poetry Residency students were encouraged to let go of traditional writing and play with words and their imaginations. Students were prompted to explore connecting two things that seem strange or impossible to coexist.

Ms. Clark

3rd Grade

Un De

Jennifer C. 

un burro de chocolate

un arbol de golocinas

un gato de laso

un corazon de flores

un cuarto de arcoiris

un zapato de mariposa

un lapiz de corazon

un caballo de globo

un chocolate de tierra

un pinguino de corazones

un arcoiris de naranja

un libro de manzana

un conejo de chocolate


A of 

Mayte O. 

a donald trump of a brick wall

a teddy bear of food

a person made of hair

a coconut of coca-cola

a platypus of donuts

a pink hair of poems

a coconut of donut

a chair of milk

a dress of liquid

a food of unicorn

a dancing potato of markers


Pares Extraños

Yael R. 

una persona de agua

un auto al reves

una persona que vuela

una persona invisible

una silla de cheetos

une persona de bombones


Ms. Pease

4th Grade

Strange Pairs 

Jamilla H. 


I would like shoes made of flowers.

I would like a bed made of pizza.

I would like a phone made of cotton.

I would like a marker made of books.

I would like a water bottle made of money.

I would like a book made of lights.


Strange Pairs 

Jaslyn J. 


I wish for a book of candy.

I wish I had a shirt of cheetos.

I wish I had a bow of shows.

I would like a snow of pencils.

I wish I can see my grandma again.

I wish I had a new pair of glasses

I wish I had a room of money.

I wish I had a rhino of diamonds.





“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.