Stories We Need to See

The 8th graders at Haugan read (and watched) Danez Smith’s “Dinosaur in the Hood” and discussed the kinds of movies we want to see in the world. We thought a lot about how he chose the specific image that he ended with and what feeling it gave us and message it sent to us.
Latinos Not Poor 
Let’s make a movie about Latino kids.
There should be a scene where the kids are
playing soccer with friends.
There should be a scene about the boy going to school
like any other kid.
This movie can’t have a scene where they deport the parents.
This movie can’t have a scene where the kid has to work.
This movie can’t have a scene where the kid is bullied.
This movie can’t have a scene where they live in a
horrible building where there are rats and roaches.
This movie needs to have scenes about how all the
family gets together to have fun.
This movie needs to have scenes about the
Latino kid is a well-behaved student.
This movie needs to have a scene where the kid
hangs out with friends in a clean park without being
worried about gangs or drugs.
But the last scene needs to be the Latino family
going to sleep in the most comfortable bed with
their stomachs full.
I Want a Movie
I want a movie where aliens land on Earth,
looking for a better place to live,
a place where they have more freedom,
a place where they can feel like a bird
soaring through the sky,
having nothing in its way,
nothing to stop it.
That place happened to be Earth
but they weren’t welcome by the humans,
so they declared war
and the war got bigger
and bigger
and bigger
until they come to a truce,
they started bonding with the humans.
I want a movie where the people realize
the aliens aren’t aliens,
but Humans just like them.
Real Life
Let’s make a movie about mental health.
People’s emotions, thinking.
People’s life in the earth.
How would I get better without showing
            my feelings?
Life is so mixed of emotions without
life is so unexpected without any reasons.
Life events happen for a reason.
I just wish I could be somewhere
to rest where comfortable is found.
I want a movie
with somebody I trust.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.