Celebrating the Life of a Beloved Community Member

The Chicago Poetry Center community, along with many other communities near, far, and layered with our own, is grieving the loss of our friend Scott Krueger. 

Scott was many things to many people, one title being “biggest fan and champion” of his own family, including his wife Julie and sons Colin, Drew, and Grant–all of whom he loved to celebrate. Scott had rich friendships, traveled widely, and championed the arts through his own creativity, by nurturing the creativity of others, and by supporting creative communities and organizations like the Chicago Poetry Center. Scott had a rich and varied career, too, including careers as a litigation attorney and advertising executive before pivoting to his newest venture, executive and career coaching. 

At CPC, Scott made myriad contributions. To list only those I personally know wouldn’t do justice to our community’s experience of Scott, so I’ve asked our team and board to contribute to this writing. Quotes below are from our shared recollections of Scott. 

One of Scott’s contributions was to ensure the board had fun and got excited to run after big goals on behalf of CPC. He made people feel good. 

“Scott always was very welcoming when I joined the board and appreciative of my input.”

“A Sampling of Scott’s traits: Hilarious. Clever. Supportive. Interesting. Kind. Over the past several years, Scott gave me the gift of his friendship. I have a phone full of back and forth texts/bitmojis that are hysterically funny and full of love.”

“Scott loved brainstorming sessions; we spent many hours excitedly exchanging thoughts for CPC’s fundraising efforts; Scott had many great ideas and I never had a thought he couldn’t improve upon.”

Scott helped pilot new programs, consider new opportunities for growth, and chaired the CPC Development Committee. He provided critical insight and contributions as this organization grew through pivot point after pivot point.

“Scott was instrumental to CPC’s great growth over the past several years. He was super-creative but spent many hours doing spreadsheets and detailed work because we needed it. He chaired task forces and helped pilot new programs. He was always available to run ideas by and brought both a corporate and not-so-corporate perspective to the table.  He was funny and supportive (texted after every meeting to say “good job!”) and was a complete joy to be around.”

“What Scott brought to the Board [when we both joined] was unique and critical: no one else had his marketing savvy. The ideas he had about how we fundraise were brand new.”

Even when Scott was ill, his support for the Chicago Poetry Center continued, and his energy was infectious to those around.

“Scott was willing to talk creatively and strategically about the Poetry Center at all times. Early in his diagnosis, I was made to understand that far from a break from the Poetry Center, he relished opportunities to talk about CPC. Even from the hospital, or after a treatment, as long as he had the energy for a conversation, he was eager to talk about ways to support and forward this organization. And each time we talked, he continued to offer fresh insights, new ways of thinking, and I found myself taking notes, grateful for the gifts of his clarity, the depth and range of his experience, and his passion for the Chicago Poetry Center.”

A newer board member shared a poem that Scott’s contributions brought to mind: “I’ve heard [of Scott’s] love and dedication to CPC. Scott’s work and memory will continue to make a impact.” 

Scott’s indelible enthusiasm and passion for our work at CPC, and for creativity broadly, leave a lasting mark on this organization and his community at this organization. 





“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.