Paint Me A Poem

For their week of poetry, Hale after school 3rd-5th poets became artists. We explored Ekphrastic Poetry, poetry that is inspired by works of art, such as drawings, paintings, sculptures, or photographs.  On Tuesday we read the poem “Dogs Playing Poker,” by 6th grader Xavier H.S. who drew inspiration from the 1903 A Friend In Need, by Artist Cassius Marcellus Coolidge. Xavier gives names and personalities to the dogs playing poker in a dimly lit room. Charlie is cheating (no surprise!) Buster is about to win this thing, being careful with his hands. John is laughing at his bad luck. 

As a group Hale poets wrote a group poet based on the painting, “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, by Georges Seurat which hangs near the front entrance of inside their school.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we created on own individual pictures. We kept the artists anonymous, then each student chose a picture and wrote a poem about it. Then we had an open mic where the artists were than revealed.

Please explore this poetry museum of fine art!



Ms. Degiulio’s After School
3rd-5th Grade



Sunday On the Island
By 3rd-5th Grade

James Charles is smoking a pipe.
Michael Charles is flexing how rich is
from playing basketball.
(P.S. Michael is related to James Charles).
The monkey likes experiencing the island.
The monkey is a gangsta.
Ellie is holding a girl’s hand.
Ellie is wearing a white dress.
Fleur is sitting, waiting for her boyfriend Jean.
She has picked flowers for him.


by Ava F. 

A ninja turtle killing a wolf.
There’s a tree on fire!
Then the wolf goes in the water
and does not die.


Jayce L. 

My grandpa had surgery.
The colors make his heart a good heart.
He can live for a few more years.
Then he would be with me
and he would be the best!


Federico R. 

Basketball. Hooray!
Time to run and play.
Time to score.
Yes! 3 pointer.

He runs, he shoots, he scores!

RRRR!!!! That’s the buzzer.
I beat Ava, Milania, Alexcia,
and Jayce.


Minney Mickey
Alexcia S. 

Many dots
Ice is cool
Neat picture
Nice white gloves
Exciting pink dress
You will love this picture.




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.