“My voice is disruptive like an intercom announcement.”: Voice-Themed Slam-Style Performance Poems

Students read and then created short group performance pieces of spoken word pieces, some with choreography,  after watching a student poetry slam team perform on the importance of one’s voice.

Lesson Note: “Do stuff. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration’s shove or society’s kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It’s all about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager.”

– Susan Sontag, Vassar College Commencement Speech, 2003

Group 303 , 7th Grade

My Voice
by Ainsley D. Robert W., Miles K.

My voice is like a wretched screech
My voice is like a bomb, it travels.

My voice is speaks the truth!
My voice tells a story.

My voice has an impact.
My voice is like a 3rd grader.
My voice does an Ariana Grande impression!

My Voice
by Cora W., India W., Daniel P.

My voice is loud like thunder in a storm
loud and surprising even though you know it’s coming.

My voice is quiet like lightening in the
Dead Sea
Missed it you don’t look close enough.

My voice is disruptive like an intercom announcement.
wanted or not, always there.

by Harper D., Eleanor K., Max S.

Whether wanted or not
somebody always has something to say.

Their voice like an onion
it will bring you tears of joy
or pain.

My voice is warm like a microwave when
you put an onion in it and press for 30 seconds.

Group 309, 8th Grade

My Voice
by Natalia B., Molly S., Shirly O., Daniela M.

My voice is like the waves of the ocean, it gets pushed away
My voice is as deep as the ocean
My voice is loud as a seagull
My voice is always being stepped on, like the sand on the beach
My voice is sharp as seashells on a rocky beach
My voice is quiet, it whispers like the breeze of the trees
My voice is annoying like birds chirping
My voice is cold, it gives the feeling that the sun gives you leave it
My voice is welcoming like the strangers on the beach
My voice is threatening, like the lifeguard on the chair.

My Voice
by Kaya B., Ursula H., Ruby N. Isaella M.

My voice is small like a mouse
My voice is quiet like a feather falling to the ground
My voice is like a timid rat
My voice is loud like a speaker
We speak as one



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.