Mini Cookbook of 4th Grade Recipes

What is your recipe for courage? What is your recipe for being lazy? Shoesmith 4th graders were thoughtful about these things before, during, and after reading “Recipe for Courage”by Marilyn Singer, and “Recipe for Being Lazy” by Leslie Reese.  This lesson took place during a couple of weeks in which some teachers and students returned to their actual classrooms and others continued to teach and learn from home.  Teachers and teaching assistants had to create a “Recipe for Coordinating Tech and Facilitating Simultaneous Learning ” for students at home and at school!

What follows is a mini cookbook of 4th grade recipes. Bon appetit!

Ms. Lehner
4th Grade – Room 207

Recipe for a Baby
Sanaa F.

A little bit of courage, A little bit of love.
Your parents’ feelings for each other are as bright as a dove.
A bundle of joy, you deserve it all,
Someone is there to help you when you fall.
Everyone loves you. Everyone stares.
Then another baby comes in. All the attention goes from me to there.
Nobody cares.
Now I am living my life in despair.


Recipe for How to Sneak Snacks in Movies
Jayden G.

Grab a bowl and grab tape.
Grab your favorite snacks.
Throw it in the bowl and then tape it on your stomach.
Fake like you just had a lot of food and grab a jacket.
Time to enjoy your sneak snack attack in the back!
If you’re done and going home, take it all off of you.


Recipe for how to have the best day
Jamari H.

First, you get up on THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then, you pick out the best clothes you have.
After that, you have eggs and bacon for breakfast .
Have your mom drive you to school even if you think mom is boring.

Stand up to your bully and tell him
that you do not like him or her
that you don’t like to be bullied.
Then go to class and do your best.
Have a nice lunch like mcdonald’s
Finish class and get dad to drop you off at home
Plop in bed with a  smile
That is how you have a good day.


My recipe
Anthony J.

My recipe makes you happy
My recipe makes you confident
My recipe makes you feel like you’re famous,

Everyone has their own recipe
that is made out of  your own idea

So make one up,
Try your best
Everyone has a recipe.


Recipe for Love
Marcus T.

First, half a cup of kindness
Then, two teaspoons of gratefulness
Then add 2 tablespoons of joy
And after that
add three cups of happiness

Then put it in the fridge
And then put it in the oven
Then add it all together while its in the oven
And there you have it.

The recipe for love.


Grade 4 – Room 208

Recipe for justice
Journey S.

The recipe for justice
Step one: you need  proudness
if you want justice  you need proudness.
Step two:  now you need sweetness
you need sweetness to not make violence!
For last: you need a teaspoon of madness.
you have made justice!


Recipe for The Blues
Nyah D. aka/ Peg Leg Gumbo Dupree

To have the blues you need 1 cup of sadness
To have the blues you have 7 liters of tears
To express the blues you need 8 tablespoons of songwriting
To have the blues you need 100 years of work
To learn the blues you need 1700 months of knowledge
To feel the blues you need 20 days of missing loved ones
To be empty with the blues you need 1 liter of being alone
To be deep with the blues you need 5 cups of depression
To have nobody with the blues you need 9 cups of no friends
Everything equals 1,834 things of the blues


A recipe of friendship
Lailonni C.W.

First, start with a cup of nice
Then, add a gallon of laughter
Next, add a teaspoon of  secrets
Don’t forget to add a tablespoon of pickles!
Finally, sprinkle a seasoning of someone I can count on.


Recipe for Gaming
Javier Y.

Get 1,000,000 cups of money.
Buy 1 spoon of doom slayer eternal and another spoon of roblox.
Get 1 spoon of a gaming trainer.
Get 1,000,000 cups better than your gaming trainer.
Get 1,000,000 cups of the best keyboard, mouse, pc, and
that box that goes next to your pc.



Recipe for being crazy
Gian R.

Playing a game too long, and eating too much sweets,
and you’re mad that you can’t reach.

Eating too much fruit or protein
or maybe some beans.

Watching too much tv can hurt your eyes
and sometimes you can be scared of being surprised.

You can eat, drink, or do whatever
but not too much cause it might be never.

Circling round and round like a planet
but how can you stop? probably eat a pomegranate.

Now these are the steps for being crazy
and make sure you don’t get lazy.













“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.